Saturday, August 20, 2011

Faith Milestones

Marking moments in family life are important to chart the way the movement of the Spirit touches our children. I had the opportunity to visit the studio of Diane Marra and make this canvas Faith Art with one daughter as the gift to another daughter for a wedding shower.  We chose the word Covenant as a reminder of the promise of the Lord as the center of a Christ union in marriage. May it be a blessing to them to see this displayed in their new home and a testimony of the sanctity of their marriage promise.

This mixed media project used stamps, paint and chipboard as well as dimensional additions to bring life to the canvas. Thanks Diane for helping us to create this one of a kind gift! It is important to help families claim all family celebrations as sacred and visual reminders are wonderful place markers.

1 comment:

  1. Here's where Diane Marra posted your visit on her blog...


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