
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bible Marginalia-You Know ME

Bible Marginalia Series- #161

Psalm 139

My intimate life with God-
from the time of my conception and 
 knit together in the womb.
Thank you, Lord,
 for making me so wonderfully complex.
 Your workmanship is marvelous.
You have examined my heart Lord, 
and you know EVERYTHING about me.
 You know what I am doing,
 what I am thinking, 
and where I am.
 You go before me- 
and you follow me.
In all of life you are WITH ME.
In all of the days I have on earth-
what sweet comfort this gives me.

For this meditation I colored in the words
 on the left side 
(they are preprinted in the Inspire Bible)
 and then drew
 in the flowers on the right.
 I added a  few of the swirls 
on the right to tie them in for the whole page.

Inspire Bible
Colored pencils
 Micron pen

Monday, May 30, 2016

To Reach the Pastor

Seems like I visit this location
 for worship quite a bit these days.
 University Lutheran Chapel, 
Ann Arbor, Michigan- 
in the campus community
 of University of Michigan.
I noticed this on the wall of the front entryway
 when we first visited nearly three years ago.
I finally took a photo.
 Not quite sure of the vintage year
 for this type of communication.
 Called a HOUSE PHONE.
In checking with the history of ULC-
here is a bit about Pastor Scheips-
"In 1942, the Michigan District
 of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod 
resolved to begin a full time campus ministry
 in Ann Arbor. 
Alfred T. Scheips, who served the Chapel
 faithfully until his retirement as pastor,
 was called and installed in August of 1942,
 and thus began the second era
 of Lutheran campus ministry in Ann Arbor,
 a ministry dedicated to the 
University of Michigan campus."
Pastor Scheips retired in 1979.
Wondering if this 
system still works?
Me too.
Pastor Scheips has been gone for 
thirty seven years.
Perhaps it is some sort of memorial to him.
Or, maybe a testament to a time
 long ago when a pastor wasn't available by text,
 FB messenger, or email.
 Edwards Communications 
still exists in Norwalk, Connecticut.
It would be fascinating to know
 how long ago they quit 
manufacturing this "intercom" system.

Sometimes I know that pastors 
wished they had to still 
 be "in-house" to be reached.
They often live in an "on-call" world.

I give thanks that a quick prayer- 
call for help, or whisper of gratitude,
doesn't sit in an out of date 
communication line.
I have a listener God who always has the 
latest model and downloaded apps.
And for that there is a whole lot
 of praise and 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bible Marginalia- The Word stands forever

Bible Marginalia Series- #160

Isaiah 40:8

"The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever."
A verse of hope.
In days when everything seems so fleeting.
On the way to failing,
slowing wilting,
tired and humbled.
When we move through our days led by
something that never falters,
or succumbs to time and waste,
The Life-giving Word of God-
for now and into eternity.
What a gift.

Colored pencils
 Illustrated Faith pen

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Stroller Walking

 Sun have finally appeared
 a bit in Northen Virginia.
Time to head out in the neighborhood.
Fitbit steps- 
and an inventory of the blooming flowers.
 Lovely peony blossom
 dances in the warm sun.
 Falso indigo
 The street lights in the yards
 often boast a clematis vine.
Clematis- Nelly Moser

 Stopping to admire a beautiful peony.
A honeysuckle ready to burst open.
 So treasuring the days
 with THIS GUY-
Levi man.
I talk a lot-
 and sometimes he just listens-
 and waves his hands.
That's right- Gigi.
But we get it-- just hanging out- 
stroller walking.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Flowers and Raindrops

Red Hot Poker--Kniphofia- Tritoma

 There has been so much rain here this May.
A rare spot of sunshine near week's end-
 made the garden photo ready.
Red Weigelia
 Clematis - Rosemoor
 Filipendula ulmaria
Columbine- Clara Barlow
False Indigo-Baptisia
Peony and lilac
  Just pure love. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Visual Faith- Collaborative Community Event

Wednesday- May 18, 2016
80 women joined to learn
 a bit about Visual Faith
at Burke Community Church
in Burke, Virginia.
 This was a follow-up to their Spring Retreat- 
where Women's Director- Michele Bowden
introduced Bible Journaling.
There was time to hear a bit of the history,
the vision for a plan,
and share a few tools.
Those in attendance?
Some have been family friends 
for a long time- Hi! Stacey!
One is a new friend that we met
 at Illustrated Faith - Virginia-
 Hello Gretchen! 
What could happen if there 
was a collaborative community
to mark the journey?
 And tell the story of God's faithfulness
 in our spiritual formation?
That included this generation -
and was witness to those to come?
Tools and materials 
to share with the group.
What Scripture coloring book
 might be good for you to try?
(most of these are available on Amazon)
Lovely treats by the Hospitality Team
One of the participants shared
 her own Journaling Bible-
with a beautiful illustration.

We put the future working together 
for the teaching and encouragement
 of Visual Faith 
in these two faith communities
 in the hands of our Lord.
May it bless the Kingdom.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Deployed Digital Missionaries- VRSLY APP

Time to share the visual faith
 centering from this past month.

For you to LIKE, SHARE and PIN.
As part of your calling-

 To serve as deployed
 digital missionaries.
So-- it is well.
With my Soul


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bible Marginalia- Sing Praises

Bible Marginalia series- #159

Psalm 150:6

that Breathes-
is alive.
praises to the Lord.
A permission giving,
expected behavior.
Full self, 
nothing held back.
Open and giving.
Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.
To the one who Creates and Sustains-

Colored pencils,
Illustrated Faith pen
Inspire Bible

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bible Marginalia-There is Freedom

Bible Marginalia Series-#158

2 Corinthians 3:7-18
Pentecost Reflection Reading

The Glory of the New Covenant

We live without the condemnation
 of death under the new law.
The new way is  glorious,
and it lasts forever.
It gives us confidence 
so we can be very bold.
We have had the veil removed,
 for those who believe in Christ. 
Whenever someone turns to theLord, 
the veil is taken away. 
For the Lord is the Spirit,
 and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is,
 there is freedom.
all of us who have had the veil removed-
can SEE
the glory of the Lord.
And the LORD-
who is the Spirit-
makes us more and more like him,
 as we are CHANGED
 into his glorious image.

And this is the spiritual transformation
 brought forward by the gift
 of the Holy Spirit in each of us.
Thank you Lord Jesus 
for this gift of the Holy Spirit.

Colored Pencils
 Derwent colored pencils
 Illustrated Faith pen

Friday, May 13, 2016

Bible Marginalia- My Redeemer Lives

Bible Marginalia Series- #157

The frontispiece for JOB 
has the well-known verse 
from Chapter 19.
But, as for ME-
that MY
and HE will
Stand Upon the earth
at last.
 A favorite Easter season song.
And not to be morbid but,
 one I pray they sing 
at my funeral
one day.
For I truly stand triumphant 
in Christ.

Colored pencils
Date stamp and ink
Illustrated Faith pen

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Bible Marginalia-The Ascension

Bible Marginalia- #156
An amazing day here
 in this section of Scripture-
The Ascension--Luke 24:50-53.
  • They left Bethany.
  • Jesus blessed them.
  • Jesus left them.
  • Jesus was taken up to heaven.
  • The disciples worshiped him.
  • The disciples returned to Jerusalem.
  • The disciples were filled with great JOY.
  • The disciples spent all of their time in the temple.
  • The disciples praised God.
Colored pencils
Gel pens
The Inspire Bible