
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Them Boys Them Boys

Griffin Joshua Schumacher
Age- 2 years and 3 months
Hats and shades and on the go.
Levi Michael Wilson
Age- 5 months
This one loves to make funny faces.
Jackson Frederick Meier
Age- 2 Months
(all outfits except the one with the bear 
were worn by his dad- Daniel)

We sure are learning 
a lot of new things from 
this trio of little boys.
And we can still get away with 
LOTS of Hugs and Kisses -YET.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bible Marginalia- Keep your Soul Diligently

Bible Marginalia Series- #175

Deuteronomy 4
God instructs us to keep His commands.
To take care. 
Pay attention to soul care- 
with diligence.
Or we might just forget
 the things we have seen.
The testimony of God's ways.
Keep and guard your heart.
 It is important to our lives-
 our daily living.

Micron pen 
Colored pencils

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bible Marginalia-Praise Your Name

Bible Marginalia Series-#174

We were traveling last week
 by car for many miles.
That gives me a lot of time to
 spend coloring in my Bible.
I use a laptop desk and that gives me
 enough steadiness to color when traveling.
I had colored in this margin for Isaiah 25:1
 and was reading the section right
 before this in Chapter 24.
A rather disquieting section-
terror, snares and traps.
Earth utterly broken up, destroyed,
violently shaken and 
The whole world in turmoil.
Then I saw a twitter feed-
More shootings.
Such such sadness.
And the prayer in the margin 
has new meaning.
Oh, Lord,
we must not lose sight of all your goodness
 in the midst of such violence and horror.
We cling to the wonderful things that you do,
in the middle of the mess.
Even when we cannot see or feel it.
It is the underlining form
 that shapes this world.
For you have conquered ALL
 that can take our soul-
 you have claimed us.
I will give you honor and praise.
Even.... in all the darkness....

Monday, July 25, 2016

Bible Journaling- The Gospel of John- Flip Through

  A Flip Though of the Gospel of John

A quick way to SEE what it looks
 like for the response in the margins 
for a book of the Bible.
 A response to God's
to us.

If viewing on laptop or iPad-
 hit full screen to see video in larger format.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Bible Marginalia- WHATEVER

Bible Marginalia Series- #173
Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do,
Work Heartily,
as for the Lord,
and NOT for men. (people)
I have loved this verse for a long time.
All work is honorable.
Work with effort and a good heart,
for an audience of ONE.
The LORD and not for people.

This is the two page layout of Bible Journaling.
The right side was done over a year ago.
This section of Colossians
 has some of my favorite words:
steadfastly, watchful, with thanksgiving.
Wonderful words to the New Testament people, 
and to the modern day believer. 

Calligraphy pen
Colored pencils
Washi tape

Thursday, July 21, 2016


A wonderful welcome
 all week long in New Orleans.
Event for all those in the Southeastern District
at the Historic JOY Theater
             Alligators          Great Food          Sasha the Comfort Dog
At the Convention Center there was an amazing
 gathering of hands-on experiential things
 for students to do- 
quiet and active.

The 10 universities
 in the Concordia system 
were in house to meet and greet students.
At the Southeastern District Display-
 Gaga Ball was a hit.

A personal favorite was in the Superdome
 for a  Mass Event one evening.
David Crowder was an afternoon highlight.

Great speakers, Bible studies, seeing friends,
meeting new friends.
Faith encouragement, great resources,
and fun times.

That is all part of a National Youth Gathering.
Every three years.
2019? Minneapolis.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

LCMS- NYG-NOLA- 2016-#1

Jackson Square

The Sights and Culture of New Orleans.
This past week we joined 
25,000 students and hundreds of adults for 
  the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod- 
National Youth Gathering.
The city has some history!
Overcast skies bring
 a relief from the sun
Some great local Creole food here.
Top right - Lost bread
Bottom Left-Callas- Rice cakes

The iconic Cafe Du Monde and Beignets
Beanies Seafood and Oysters on the half shell

This restaurant has an amazing history.
Interesting architecture.
Storm moving in?
This movie was filming in town this week-
 as well as NCIS- New Orleans.
Iron work balconies-
iconic old world NOLA.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bible Marginalia- Refresh my Heart

Bible Marginalia Series- #172

Paul needs some encouragement here
 from fellow workers in the Kingdom.
 Refresh my heart in Christ.
Truly that is the gift we give to each other-
To give freshness to...
to pour courage into....
What words of HOPE
 for all in full time ministry positions-
 called and the laity alike.

Scrapbook paper cut to fit.
 Calligraphy pen
Micron pen

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sacred Spaces- Julie Wohlrabe

LCMS Convention Break in  Milwaukee.
A gracious invitation to her home 
from Julie Wohlrabe.
Her husband, John, serves as a Vice President 
of our Synod church body.
A beautiful afternoon on the edge
 of Lake Michigan.
A perfect setting for a family
 that has served in the Navy.
Julie had the experience 
of attending a Visual Faith 
workshop in Wisconsin led by Pat Maier.
She was excited to show me her very special spot- 
for reflection, reading, and Journaling in her Bible.
A sacred space- set aside.
photo by Pat Maier
Pat Maier has designed Bible margins
 to download, print, and color
 and add to your Bible.
Here is a page from Julie's Bible 
with a favorite Martin Luther quote.
While at the convention we spent many hours 
with Scripture pages to Pray and Color.
Here is the work of Julie Wholrabe.
We give thanks for such a beautiful respite
 on a gorgeous July day.
Time to see a home lovingly tended
 with world-wide collected art,
and a display arranged with an artist's eye.
Thanks much- Julie!

Friday, July 15, 2016

LCMS in Convention-Around the Table- #2

Praying over the results
 of the 66th LCMS Convention-
Scripture prayer page by Bev Wicher

Scripture Prayer Page 
by Cindy Linnemann

 Scripture Prayer page 
by Priscilla Newton
 And we listened and prayed on........

Bible Journaling-
Trust in the Lord
Connie Denninger
A Game of Bridge
 Beautiful Stitchery
 Catching up on projects-
Linda Stoterau
Following patterns-
Val Hennings
Marcia Lange
Amy Scholz
joined in-
Pray and Color

The Word of God
prayed over the future and ministry
 of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Comment here if you see a page you prayed and colored
 and I would love to give you credit- edits expected here.