
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

When the Roots Wither


Tritoma in full bloom.
A welcome herald in the garden these days.
It has been a bit of a struggle in the yard this year.
A "misapplication" of weed killer by our 
lawn service company has taken out about 
1/2 of our perennial beds.
This is the gooseneck loosestrife bed.
It would normally be in full bloom soon.
The white yarrow would be in full bloom.
30 years of digging, planting 
and watering and weeding.

This would have been the Clara Barlow columbine.
It was challenging at first
 to see the beginning of the dying.
I couldn't really walk in the yard.
One day it looked like a plant had survived
 and then a 90 degree day arrived 
and it just disintegrated.
So I am working in pots these days.
Blooming colorful blossoms.

When I had to walk by my Fairy Rose bush here...
I went straight to the Rugosa Rose.
That is the code word for what
 has made it in the garden this year.
The Lawn Service manager has been here twice
 and we are working things out. 
Too hot to plant now- so planning on Fall for that.
Hard, yes.
But, in this week with the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas,
 there was also a family from our church
 who had their house burn down. 
Withered roots and dead plants 
 becomes at most- an inconvenience.
Not life altering.
I have asked God to calm my heart, 
move me through the challenge.
I have asked for resilience.
There is so much beauty everywhere.
In spite. 
Just have to keep looking.
My heart hurts for so many people
 these days.
Things beyond my control- or theirs.
The oneothera survived in the 
old slip scoop from my growing up farm.
I will work to pull up the dead plants.
(the horrid ground cover I have tried
 for years to get rid of--of course it survived)
I will stroll the yard and call plants by name-
Hello- Blue Veronica.
I will give thanks for all 
the things that are still alive.
I will sing praise for all my blessings.
I will rearrange "the farm"
 in the empty spots for now.
I will find JOY in the tiny snippets
 that enhance each day.
I won't have Astilbe this year- 
but a reminder- there is HOPE.
 There is always HOPE.
It is Still Good.
He is Still Good.
You can always follow along
 on Instagram with 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Charlie Is Four!

This fun guy is rip roaring and ready to go!
Hi ho- Four!!!
Mr. Speedy.
(when he gets outside)
Mr. Policeman will be checking on
 things around the neighborhood.
And this might be the beginning of 
A sleeping bag promises 
many fun sleep overs
in the future. 
Some Pokemon cards and holder
 for some trading times.
Giggles and Balloons.
That's a big 4!
A cuddle and a squeeze.
Looking forward to many blessings with 
Mr. Charlie in this next birth year.


Friday, May 27, 2022

Worship into the Week- Enlightened


Ascension of our Lord
Ephesians 1:15-23
Thanksgiving and Prayer

Paul sends greetings to the saints of Ephesus.
He prays for wisdom for them and that they may 
grow in the knowledge of Jesus.
May the eyes of their hearts be enlightened.
May they know the hope 
to which they have been called.
May they know the riches of his glorious inheritance.
Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in heavenly places.
He is "far above all rule and authority and power
 and dominion, and above every name that is named,
 not only in this age but also in the one to come.
And he put all things under his feet and grace
 him as head over all things to the church, 
which is body, the fullness of him who fills all in all." 
The Lord reigns and over all things on this earth-
the power of Jesus WINS.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine cut outs
Distress ink
Colored pencils

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Worship into the Week- The New Jerusalem


                          Worship into the Week-

                                    The New Jerusalem

                                    Rev. 21:9-14, 21-27

This section of Revelation illustrated the detail 
of the bride of Christ
 as she will live in the new heaven and earth.

Louis Brighton says in his book Revelation,
"The saints of God in their state of righteousness and holiness and perfection after the resurrection can now look directly
 in the face of God. 
No longer does God have to hide his glory from their view.
 No longer does he have to shield his people 
from the brilliance of his 
overpowering holiness and awesomeness. 
For God can now directly and personally 
live in the midst of his saints with his glory.
With sin and every evil having passed away, 
there is no longer a need for a tabernacle or temple
 to mediate and temper God's presence. 
For God the Father himself together
 with the Lord Christ is now the temple." p. 618.

 Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine Cutouts
Colored Pencils
Distress ink 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Worship into the Week- All Things New


Worship into the Week- 

Revelation 21:1-7 

The New Heaven and the New Earth

We have a new inheritance.

It will be amazing- this eternity gift. 

                                 Sermon notes from worship 

with helpful coloring by grandson Isaiah.

We will dwell with God.

He will tabernacle with us.

He is making everything new.

These are trustworthy and true words-

the Alpha and the Omega says so!!!

Supplies needed:

Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Colored Pencils

Magazine Cutouts

Distress Inki


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Jack is Six!

Mr. Jack is six!

What fun to celebrate this guy and a birthday.

Great birthday hat.

So fun to have brother buddies to have at the party.
This Kindergartener is growing up
 and a whole lot of fun.

Some fun birthday gifts- a Lego City.

Some rollerblades and gear
 to stay safe and protected.

Brother Charlie is ready to go with
 his new "early birthday" matching gear too.

A group hug is the best way 
to celebrate a family of brothers.
Some oldest cousin time is pretty special.
This car load looks like trouble.
When did Hadley get her license?
A visit with Grandpa and Grandma Meier
just made an awesome celebration.
Can't get any cooler than this!!
 A visit to the Matthaei Gardens 
in Ann Arbor with buddy brothers
was a very special treat.
Have a very blessed new birth year Jack!

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Worship into the Week- The Lamb on the Throne


Worship into the Week-Revelations 7:9-17
 A Great Multitude from Every Nation
This section of Scripture speaks
 to the Church Triumphant.
"The church triumphant, at rest and peace and awaiting
 the final act of God's judgment 
and the resurrection of the End, 
will never again experience tribulation and 
persecution on earth."
Concordia Commentary- Revelation- Louis Brighton, p. 193

The Shepherd is the victorious Lamb
 and has come to gather His people.
The greatest work since creation 
is the redemptive work on behalf of God's people
 by the action of Christ our Savior.
The picture of eternal glory in verse 14 
is comforting to Christians.
Even our current hard things and experiences
 will test our faith and patience.
No one escapes the hard times,
every Christian will have challenges
 that rock their world.
But, God will protect His people 
in their mission on earth.
He brings faith and hope reminders 
of the glory of eternal life.
Our great Shepherd sits on the heavenly throne.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine cut outs 
Distress Ink
Colored pencils

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Little Things


The little things.

 God uses the little things.

As I move through a busy week and transition time,

 I am reminded of God's faithfulness.

He doesn't need big projects or accomplishments

 to extend His will into the world.  

He works through a smile, a hug, a kind word,

 a simple act of kindness, and a heart-felt prayer.

The very tiny petals of the Miss Kim lilac

 are a great reminder of how tiny things

 gathered together create a whole image of goodness.

Our world wants to applaud Big projects, Big goals and 

BIG success.

Won't you join me to make a difference with little things?

Follow #vfm_littlethings on Instagram.

Tag your reports of little things on FB and Instagram.

Join a movement of little things.

 I give thanks that our very BIG GOD uses little things.

Lord, help my heart and soul to be centered on 

the Little Things.