
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Worship into the Week- Neighborly Love


Worship into the Week

Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Christ has Set us Free to Keep in

 Step with the Spirit

That freedom allows us the ability 

to use this gift to serve others.

v.14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word:

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

We must be careful and watch out

 that we don't devour each other.

The flesh will draw us into so many evil things.

v. 22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 

patience, kindness, goodness. faithfulness, gentleness,

 self-control; against such things there is no law.

v.25 "If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step

 with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited,

 provoking one another, envying one another."

Seems to be clearly laid out what 

our focus is for our daily living.

A Spirit-led life allows us to move under the guidance 

of His desire for us, 

so that we can better serve our NEIGHBORS.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable

worship into the week-june-2022

Colored Pencils

Magazine Cutouts

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Jonah is Three!

Jonah is three and there were some very
 interested big brothers for the gift opening time.
Oh Wow!  
There is more than one present!!!
He worked to make sure he was
 in control of the festivities.
Jonah has been waiting for 
his birthday celebration.
Opening gifts is serious business.
Oh Wow!!  Picasso Tiles!!
Birthday crown ready and eating cake
 is a highlight of the event.
Ok  now back to roll and tumble.

Birthday blessings to you sweet Jonah!


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Worship into the Week-Heirs


Worship into the Week-

Galatians 3:23-4:7

The Law and the Promise- Sons and Heirs

Sin keeps us captive under the law.

But, we are set free by Jesus through faith.

v.22- "But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin,

 so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ

 might be given to those who believe. 

v.23- "Now before faith came, 

we were held captive under the law,

 imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed."

v.26- "For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God,

through faith."

v.27 "For as many of you as were baptized

 into Christ have put on Christ."

v. 28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, 

there is neither slave nor free,

 there is no male and female, 

for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

v.29 "And if you are Christ's,

 then you are Abraham's offspring, 

heirs according to promise."

Some wonderful words and phrases in this section:

promise, believe, given, revealed, 

through faith, all one, heirs

Positive affirmation that we are wanted,

 loved, bought, paid for and we belong to God.

That inheritance is meant for all of God's children.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Magazine cutouts 

Colored pencils

Distress ink

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

125th Anniversary- Bethlehem- Ossian, Indiana


We were blessed to travel
 to our growing up congregation
in Indiana for the 
125th Anniversary celebration
on June 12, 2022.

Husband, John, was asked to preach

 for the morning Worship Service.


Special bookmark and visuals 

for the lovely banquet luncheon.

Family and extended family

 joined us for the day.


Steve and Cindy Schumacher were there also.

Cindy has also been a teacher at Bethlehem.

There were articles of church history and we found
 the one when father-in- law- Wm. O Denninger 
retired after 45 years in ministry in 1980.
He came to Bethlehem, Ossian 
when I was in 5th grade and John was in 6th grade.
My 2nd grade classroom with 1st and 3rd grades.

My third grade classroom 
with the the 2nd and 1st grades.

We were blessed to get short visits

 with some of our classmates.

                          John had 12 in his class and I had 11.

Some of them gathered here for a class photo.

God has blessed this congregation 

with many faithful people and we give thanks

 for this rich heritage in our lives.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Worship into the Week- Witnesses


Worship into the Week- Witnesses
Acts 2:14a, 22-36

Peter's Sermon at Pentecost
He begins by clarifying that the apostles
 are not drunk at the third hour of the day.
He explains that the Spirit will be poured out
as promised.
Mighty works and wonders 
have been done through Jesus.
 You know about them and saw them.
He was delivered up and crucified.
"God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, 
for it was not possible for him to be held by it."
Death has not won!
"This Jesus God raised up, 
and of that we all are witnesses.
Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, 
and having received from the Father
 the promise of the Holy Spirit, 
he has poured out this that you 
yourselves are seeing and hearing."
We know the story.
We may not be eye witnesses- 
but God's Word gives us the whole shareable story.
"Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain
 that God has made him both Lord and Christ,
 this Jesus who you crucified."

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine cutouts
 Washi tape
Colored Pencils

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Worship into the Week- Pentecost


Worship into the Week
Acts 2- Filled with the Holy Spirit

A bit of history-
Pentecost is the Christian celebration
 that takes place on the 50th day 
or the Seventh Sunday after Easter Sunday.
We acknowledge it as the day the Holy Spirit descended
 on the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ 
while they were in Jerusalem. 
They were there to celebrate the Feast of Weeks-
 or the Jewish Festival of Shavuot.
It is a harvest festival- the day of First Fruits 
from Numbers 28:26.
The word Pentecost comes from the Greek (Pentekoste)
 and means fiftieth.
Some Jews were already living in the Diaspora.
According to Acts 2:5-11 for this Festival 
there were Jews from 
every nation under heaven." 
They had come as pilgrims 
to be in Jerusalem for the Festival.
We give thanks for this great gift of Holy Spirit power
 we receive at our baptism.
We are united in the work of the Spirit- 
for the sake of His Kingdom.

Visual Church Year Printable
 Worship into the Week
Colored pencils
Magazine cutouts

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Ball, Books and Banana Splits

                                  We got to watch some T ball recently.

                              A great time for Papa and Gigi.

Fun to watch grandsons learning new skills.

We set up a tent in our back yard
 and loved getting ready for "book time".
Everyone got to pick their favorite to read.
We even found some of Papa's 
from when he was little.
Levi- at six -is called the sweeper- 
no ice cream goes wasted.
Four year old Isaiah 
is the fastest ice cream eater ever.
Jonah - almost three  

                                  is all business with the ice cream.

                                        Very special times with 

                                     three wonderful young men.

This big guy completed Kindergarten- 

 way to go!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

250th Anniversary- Bethany Trinity- Fishersville, VA


May 29, 2022 was a special day of celebration 

for Bethany Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church,

 Fishersville, Virginia 

in the Shenandoah Valley.

Here, Rev. Tim Bohlmann leads a Memorial Day

 reading and tribute in the cemetery 

of this congregation that dates back to 1772.

This monument to Michael and Margaret Keinadt was 

dedicated in 1892 and attended by 2000 "Keinadts",

  with the largest horse and buggy 

gathering in Augusta County- ever.

The Anniversary booklet tells

 the faith story of this congregation.

They also have a wealth of information 

on their church website-

 A tribute to the Veterans of this congregation

 is part of the history of Memorial Day for Bethany Trinity.

"New" Bethany on the Hill 
(originally called Trinity)
was built in 1889
 to replace the earlier structure from 1881.
Memorial Day services are held at this location.

The beautiful sanctuary was remodeled 1901-1902 
to include these beautiful windows.
Honoring the men and women 
who have served in the military.
This small church is lovingly preserved.
History is a big part of the story 
of this very old congregation. 
But, it is gathered to give thanks 
and praise to a faithful God.
Now, that is a family tree!
Pastor Tim and son- Sam.
Sam is an integral part of the congregational life 
at Bethany and serves well.
Pastor Tim and wife -Sue,
are a gift of servant leadership
 to this congregation of Bethany.
Flags of each war decorate the graves of the Veterans.
 Here are a Revolutionary War 
and War of 1812 grave markers.
Every celebration needs a great potluck.  The pavilion
 on this church site provides a wonderful place
 to gather friends and family.
Also honored at this service was the recognizing
 of 66 years in the ministry 
for Rev. David Luecke.
Southeastern District President Emeritus- 
Rev. Dr. John R. Denninger 
read a tribute honoring God for this servant leader.
l to r- Pastor Tim, Pastor David, and President John-
the blessing of Kingdom workers.
Thankfulness for also given for the service
 of wife- Mardi Luecke.

God has been "with them" as they moved, changed,
 and reorganized for the mission.
May the Lord continue to bless the work
 of His people in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

A short video of the celebration day.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Worship into the Week- Water of Life

Worship into the Week-

Water of Life

Rev. 22:1-20

"Whoever is Thirsty, 

let him come and Whoever Wishes

let him take the 

Free Gift of the Water of Life."

Jesus is coming.

Drink deeply from this well.

And tell others the water is for them too.


Visual Church Year Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Colored Pencils

Magazine cutouts