
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Calendar Journaling- July 2024


Calendar Journaling- July 2024

Coming alongside my devotions is this simple practice.

A phrase take-away and 4 colored pencils.

It is always fascinating to see what ends up 

on the two-page layout for the month.

I am continuing the experiment

 of a Word Log for the month.

Praying for the Holy Spirit to help me to see

standout words each month.

So I continue...


Sacred Rest- Cheryl Wunderlich

Monday, July 29, 2024

#denvacay24 with the Grownups


It takes a bit of coordination 
to get our tribe ALL together. 
We plan for it at least once every two years.
We give thanks when it happens.
Photo bombers. Group photos. 
Group games. Group sand games.
Many conversations. Sporting events.
More hugs. Just chilling.
Lots of laughter.  Shared blessings.
Hot tub stories.  Pool games.
Movie time. Screen time.
Rest time. Bathing beauty time.
Oodles of snuggles.

Spiritual conversations.
 Lots of good food.

Thank you, Lord for this great gift
 of a place to gather and family
 that "makes every effort"
to spend these days together.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

#denvacay24 #dengrandloves


Oldest grandson, Griffin, going over
 the "FAMILY encouragements" 
for #denvacay24.
We were always looking for outstanding examples
 for all categories in our reports.
Smiles, Snacks, Silly Faces, 
Sunglasses and Sunscreen.

         Cousin Leighton with our littlest. 
A reminder of just how fast they grow up.
Coloring, and some earned screen time.
Highlight for everyone- SAND TIME.
Muscles. Cross Gift. Crazy Hair. Snuggles.

In the pool. Snack Time. Buried in the sand.

Cousin Luca (back row middle)
 brought some high school friends with him.
A peak into the future for when these Top 5 hit 
the teen years.  Oh Dear!!!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Worship into the Week- Shepherds Who Care


Worship into the Week
Jeremiah 23:1-6

This section of Scripture reminds us that the leadership
responsibility for church leaders is very important.
There is caregiving that comes with the 
title of pastor or spiritual leader. 
It is not good to be on the wrong side
 of this caregiving equation.
This is serious work and not to be taken lightly.

  “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying 
and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” 
declares the Lord.

Let us pray for the shepherds of His flock 
to be faithful and  tender. 
May they lead by godly examples in love.

Visual Church Year Graphics Only
Worship into the Week Printable
Colored Pencils
Magazine Cutouts

Sunday, July 21, 2024



July 21, 1954
Seventy years ago today.
Born in Hannibal, Missouri.

A move to Fort Wayne, Indiana 
would then be home.
That little red wagon still resides in our garden.

ROTC at Concordia High School in Fort Wayne. 
Some high school and college days.

Concordia Ann Arbor Graduation 1974
Engagement to Connie-  Summer 1981.
Many blessed years in between.

Celebrating John happened when we were together
 with our family at the beach together in June.
We don't take it for granted that we can be 
together. They are precious times.
Our Vintage 1954 party was kicked off 
with a family favorite-
Low Country boil.
The Denninger sisters worked to make the custom made hats,
 the charcuterie board, and great decorations. 
A layered ice cream sandwich cake 
was a big hit with the grands.
A very fun Scavenger Hunt was put together for all the #dengrandloves.
It included finding many of Papa's favorites.
Twizzlers, Golf Balls,
Espresso Coffee,
Faith Crosses,
and Guitars for everyone.
It was a wild night and I don't think 
we got a photo with everyone.

The grandchildren made a very special gift of a cross 
with a favorite Bible passage and all of their thumb prints.
"And let the beauty of the Lord our God 
be upon us, and establish the 
work of our hands for us." 
Psalm 90:17
70- that is a whole lot to celebrate.

So many blessings.
 So many gifts.
John, we give thanks for all that you are,
and all that you give to us all without restraint.
May the Lord bless you with good health and 
years to serve Him in His Kingdom.
We Love You.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Worship into the Week- Revive Us Again


Worship into the Week-
Revive Us Again
Psalm 85: 1-13

 There is a time of much waiting and uncertainty
in this reading and we see alot of promise here.
God has been such a part of the life of Israel.
His favors include restoring good fortunes to them,
and ultimately the forgiveness of sins. 
v.8 The people are hungry to hear God's shalom-
His peace.
These words change both future and hope.
God does that when He connects with us.
It is revival.


Visual Church Year Graphics
Worship into the Week Printable
Colored pencils
Magazine Cutouts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Family Bible Journaling


We had some great time at the beach 
for family Bible Journaling.
The story of the Vineyard Workers in Matthew 20
had been our devotion.
The "takeaway" we were working with was
Grace- Undeserved Love.
The 10 Grandloves all had their Journaling Bibles.
  (ages 10- to 2)
The Littles needed a bit of help.
Even 2 year old Lainey is right at the table with everyone.

They all have grown up with the practice
 and it is so amazing to see what they are learning 
to do now that writing, spelling and drawing
 is becoming their own set of skills.

We gave them the theme and then
 they were on their own unless that wanted help.
There was also great conversation in the creative time. 

Moms and Grandparents were on hand as helpers.
This was a wonderful memory making time together.
The rest of vacation time we had the opportunity to talk
 about undeserved grace and how that is the great gift
 that Jesus gives to all of us.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Worship into the Week- They Will Know

 Worship into the Week-
Ezekiel 2:1-5- Ezekiel's Call

Ezekiel was called to go to all the children of Israel.
They were a rebellious nation that continued 
making life choices of sin against God.
Not an easy job placement.
Ezekiel is warned that even the descendants  are
 "impudent and stubborn."
God tells him that they may not "hear" Ezekiel 
or "refuse to hear" him.
Regardless of their response, 
they will KNOW that a prophet has been among them.

Visual Church Year Graphics
Worship into the Week
Magazine Cut Outs
Colored Pencils
Vintage Postal Stamps
Distress Ink

Friday, July 12, 2024

I Am Bible Study


Bible Journaling for John 14:6.
This summer I am participating and helping to lead the 
I Am Bible Study from Visual Faith® Ministry.
We are meeting at my home church 
and there is a zoom option
 for when traveling for the summer.
The options seem to be working out wonderfully
 for those on the road.
This past week we were looking at John 14 
and did a bit of Bible Journaling to mark the spot.
The images were supplied in our study guide 
for those who wanted to add to a Bible or index card.

 The study is free and we took the printed materials           

                               to be wire bound at Staples.  

       There is also an option to order 

in the Bookstore on our website.

The discussion has been great as we look 

for the ways God's Word is speaking to us this week-

 right into our very own lives.


NIV interleaved New Testament Bible


I Am Bible Study


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Worship into the Week- New Everyone Morning

 Lamentations 3:22-33
Great is Your Faithfulness

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; 
his mercies never come to an end;
they are mew every morning; great is your faithfulness.
"The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
"therefore, I will hope in him." v. 22-24.

It is easy to see that we get caught up
            in trying to make things productive and good

We make our list and then cooperate
 to make then happen.
Then, it is no surprise that I have run out of mercy
 and patience and a host of things,
It is like a semi-load was delivered
last night on my street.
Enough for the whole street- and then some.
No held up delivery.
No delays.
EVERY single morning.
Restocked during the night.
Never on back order.
Never a lost shipment.
Thanks you God for your great, great,
faithfulness to me.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the 
Magazine cutouts
Colored pencils 
Vintage postage stamps

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Reno Story- June 2024

The Reno Story- June 2024

So I am  continuing to document the process.
Moving more dirt.
 Holes were dug for the footers
 for the upper level deck and stairway.
We are loving how the "crawl space" 
actually became a usable storage room.

A pile of stone was delivered.

Lots of wood was stacked in the driveway.

The roof trellises were unloaded on the lawn.

The lower patio extension was poured.

They pulled out the non-working for a long time

dishwasher and cut a hole in the side of the house 

to do a temporary move of plumbing.

You could see the original burnt orange vinyl flooring

 under the white 1990's update.

Great for hearing the chirping birdies better.

Some walls started to go up.

The floors and walls happened very quickly.
Windows were cut out and 
they started to feel like rooms.
We were at the beach for our family vacation 
and our contractor Aldo Rizo texted us more updates.
Was pretty amazing to see the little house now
 flanked by the tall spaces.
You can't see any of this new space
 from the front of the house.
So our little rambler will have a surprise out back.
The architect was able to do the addition
 and not lose any of the windows for sunlight
 in the original back of the house.
How fun to see this really start to look like 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Calendar Journaling- June 2024


Devotional Calendar Journaling- June 2024

A phrase take away each day.

4 colored pencils.

Putting together the picture of what
 the Holy Spirit is doing in my life.
So I can SEE the journey of faith He is directing.
This helps me to know how to pray for myself
 and others in this wild and sometimes
overwhelming world.

I started a Word Log of standouts
for each month in March.
Will be taking a look at what that has
 brought forward in these last 4 months.

The Common Book from Visual Faith Ministry

Common Book- VFM

Sacred Rest - Cheryl Wunderlich


4 Prismacolor Pencils