
Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Reflections

Natural-dyed  eggs set the neutral theme
 for the table setting
A burlap runner crossed a lace printed tablecloth
A day to bring out the best in china and crystal

Dining Room Setting for an Easter Celebration
A sweet little basket made by friend Rebecca Ersfeld
sits as the centerpiece in the cloche gathering

Easter Subway art resized to Coaster size-
formatted by friend Robyn Smith
A pe
rfect token for each guest of the day
The black crosses that hung on the dogwood branches
 were removed
during the days of Holy Week--
 no longer hid in the darkness of Good Friday,
the branches spring forth
with the Glories of New Life reminders.
A handmade fabric egg in a peat pot
 was a sweet gift from my friend
Bonnie Hughes-

 her attention to detail is always a gift,
and then to enjoy with the last

 of the few lilacs blooms
 for this year's sparse offering.
I was standing in the dining room
 trying to figure out what to add to the small table
 that we added for guests yesterday.
 My husband walked in the door
 from the last of 4 services for the day
with the gift bag- from Bonnie.
 My dilemma solved.  The perfect final touch.

And now the 50 days of EASTER!
There are 40 days in Lent and 50 in Easter,
as noted in the liturgical year.
 So if you did not get all the things done
 to remind you of this Holy Season-- 

there is still time!
Keep celebrating the GOOD NEWS!
He is Risen indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Now, I just would like to know when you started this wonderful blog of yours???? Thank you for sharing it with me :)
    Blessings to you this wonderful Easter season.


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