
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Wreath Adorn

I have not ever taken photos of actually making a project and I had started putting together a new wreath design and then stopped myself..  and said-- Ok----  how about at least trying it?

Interesting process to show photos of each step and trying to make the pictures actually show the next step... I had piles of materials back in the house after the Miss America Katie Stam event in March of this year and trying to "reconfigure" the goods into their next phase....  So here it is...

I used a grapevine wreath since that what was in the house....Liked the roundness of it.  Could use a styrofoam wreath but those can be expensive-- later spotted a workable grapevine one at the dollar store...The hairy branches proved to have their own problem.    about 16-18 inch diameter wreath

We had used a bundle of 10 pieces of yarn and fibers strung together and clipped with torn fabric strips. The fibers were mostly creams, whites and a piece of jute string added.  We were going for texture and varied sizes of fibers.  We had used these as the edging of the buffet table....  enough to go around the perimeter of 2 -12' tables... so some long yardage......  actually was 2 pieces so that made it a little easier to handle.  Then just wrap the wreath with the fibers.........and the problem of the prickly grapevine "hairs"......  so I stuffed the whole bunch into a plastic bag and then could easily move the bundle and wrap the wreath........

A little wildness is ok and just keep it so it doesn't look too perfect

 Tied a simple bow from a finished edge burlap ribbon- ( purchased at Michael's) with hanging streamers ties about 18 inches in length.  I prefer dimensional rather than flat wreaths-  just pulled pieces through the fibers to keep in place. Then secured  it with florist wire at the bow position
Fluff the bow a bit
Added new spaghnum moss to a small nest with eggs---
 It has been a part of MANY projects_
Attached with florist wire
Had purchased these  unfinished balsa wood
crosses at Michael's last year
 and just added some Paint Dabbers
 in Brown, then with a little burnished gold on top
Was going for subtle on this wreath- not bold stand out Spring colors  but
wanted the 3 crosses to be there as a Lenten reminder of the Gift--
and something that crossed seasonal decorating

A Palm Sunday cross was later added next to the New Life nest
Wreath hangs in front hallway and the lighting is not so great
 so another photo with wreath moved to a brighter wall
So the reuse - use up multi- season shabby wreath
Pretty- and Faithful- decorating for our home


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