
Monday, May 21, 2012

Lucketts Love

Saturday was a great outing to the Luckett's Spring Market in Lucketts, Virginia. Some girl friends and I traveled in the glorious Spring like weather and we got there just as the gates opened..  and oh my.   Much bigger than I was originally thinking...... with other things on the calendar for the day, I had a 2 hour block of time...... too much to see and not only that... we purchased at the very first booth!  It was impossible to look for the vendors I wanted to find..  Miss Mustard Seed, take photos and browse and buy.  So I have a few shots....Loved this typewriter- at Miss Mustard Seed's... I was there early in the morning so got one of the handmade clay tags-- MOVE MOUNTAINS. The line was too long to meet Marian......

Lovely display of vintage items
Some neat architectural pieces and a lantern
 that looks like ones in the new Pottery Barn catalog
Cool cog piece here but had a hefty price tag- nearly $400
A Mason jar with vintage dominos and a
wonderful small pulley to keep the larger one company-
nestled in their new home
So today was time to put away the Easter things and move into Summer mode--  finding fun new places for the Lucketts Loot.  Was a rainy overcast day here, so too dark for many great photos inside the house......  but will post more pictures of where things got added in around the house. 

May have to make an action plan for next year at Lucketts---- hire a young person to be a runner and take things back to the car........hard to shop when your hands and arms are full..... plan to stay longer than 2 hours!  put my sun screen on before I leave home...   and bring more friends!! 

The day was like walking into a PINTEREST PARTY in the country with hundreds of talented people who painted, created, upcycled, repurposed and salvaged.....  a heavenly morning.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. I just love the cog you took a picture of --- $400, yikes, I bet it was gorgeous though.

  2. Wonderful pictures! I had a great time at the Market too, it was my first time exhibiting there and can't wait for next year!


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