
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birthday Blooms

Ah yes-  a birthday today--
 another year of blessings...

Been watching some blooming stories around the house--
Not a small feat to get the bulbs to bloom-

My friend, Lee, has the touch.

 In many Christmas years there is a gift of a bulb in dirt
 and a promise of a bloom.

and the story unfolds:

And on this birthday I also
remember my mom who often brightened
 a February birthday with a hyacinth bulb 
 and the fragrance brings back a flood
 of mom and me memories.

Katherine and Connie

Mom and I from maybe fifteen years ago.

And when we miss our moms on a birthday-
we see the gift that each year truly is here on earth.
May the Lord Jesus send the next year of blessings.


  1. Wishing you a most blessed birthday!
    How beautiful fresh growth is this time of year! Just as we are thrilled to see blooms... So God is pleased to see the seed of His love He has nurtured in you, bloom. How beautiful you are to Him and He is rejoicing in your birth.
    For we are laborers together with God; ye are God's cultivated field, ye are God's building. 1Cor. 3

  2. thank you for your sweet comment Rebecca!


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