
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Create Joy

French New Testament- 1848

Moving a few things around the house--really don't remember where I got this
 very old New Testament- cover gone.

small Create Joy sign 
from my friend Michele

Been thinking alot of how Joy comes and goes in our lives- 
 sometimes it is whisked away and "nothing we do"
 replaces it or pulls in back within us.

In the realm of heavenly choices I have a God who can only build up - 
Because of His Goodness- any time there is destruction. it is with the ultimate purpose
of "building up" or making stronger or causing us to turn back to Him.

His very nature does not allow him to belittle, lessen or diminish us. 
 He is Wholly GOOD.

So, in my day to day transformation process of becoming Christ-like-
 that He is in charge of directing in my life--
He is Creating...
He has opened the door to JOY every day.

My daily mantra in moving forward is this very essence.
  What will be my open mindset?
  Create or Destroy? 
 Build up or Tear Down?
 Each and every reaction, response and word of the day....

I think I hear His nudge whisper- CREATE JOY.

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