
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Livin' Joyful

Nancy Kettner  Karen Murr and Diana Alexander
Any retreat experience is Really about the PEOPLE
 and here are the gifts assembled together
 for the SED 2013
Retreat for the Wives of Pastors

Greeters to Welcome
 Heidi Knill and Elise Carlson
Thanks to John Denninger for help unloading
 and set up and looking at the Tech Challenges

Sharing and Listening

Left to Right- Darlene Quiram, Faye Krans, Carol Kreyling, Holly Borrasso, 
Elise Carlson and Judy Pask
Rae Fangmeier
 telling the Story of Counting her 1000 Gifts
Fran Kassouf and Laura Ramey

We loved seeing smiles
Judy Pask and Faye Krans

Nancy Kettner and Vivi Diefenthaler

Julie Black

Karen Murr
Mabelle Bloker and Martha Bickel
Renewing connections-
Pam Nieting and Joan Loesch
Maggie Harris and Precious Okai

Connie Denninger and Nancy Rueter

Diane Guelzow      Linda Scherer           Sandra Becker      and Laura Ramey

Peg Green and Heidi Knill
Faye Krans and Carol Kreyling
Mabelle Bloker  Martha Bickel and Christine Dennis-Johnson
Laura Ramey and Julie Nizinski

Carol Bitely and Judy Pask

Diana Alexander on the left
Darlene Quiram and Heather Rosenkoetter
Diane Guelzow and Linda Scherer

We loved listening to each other

Dorothy Roemer and Judy Kuehnert

We loved the stories

Darlene Quiram            Heather Rosenkoetter                   Mabelle Bloker       and Martha Bickel

We loved finding out ministry connections
A Common Experience Brings a Common Language

A Common Language Brings Community
And Listening and Caring Communities Thrive on Grace

We give thanks for the Gifts of the People:

Nancy Rueter- Retreat Team Planning and Logistics
Karen Olson- Retreat Team Planning  and Brochures
Faye Krans- Name Tags
Pamela Nieting- Photography
Carol Bitely and Judy Pask- Hospitality
Elise Carlson- Registration and Finance
Presenters- Diane Guelzow and Connie Denninger
Diane Guelzow- Retreat Counselor
Lee Berson- Canvas Gifts
Carol Kreyling- Wockenfuss Candy Gift Coordination
Prayer Team- Linda Scherer and Vivi Diefenthaler
Shelly Thress- Music planning
Thrivent Financial
Chesapeake LWML
 for  grants.
And a special Thank you to those who trusted us
 with their time to attend-  without YOU-- There is no Retreat!
 Your presence blessed us!

And with life circumstances we missed our dear friends-
 Shelly Thress with the death of her father in law
Karen Olson with the death of her father
Ruth Schnepp in her support of her daughter Karen
Linda Miller in her support of Ellen Thress and family
and Marie Flahn with her travels-
who all had planned to be with us.
 May you join in these retreat photos
 and still join us on the journey of
Counting 1000 Gifts
Finding Joy Right Where We Are.

The Joy of the Lord is my strength!
Nehemiah 8:10


  1. Looks wonderful. Hope it all went well!

  2. A most wonderful much squeezed into a many things of gratitude...

  3. Thanks for sharing! I wish I could have joined you all this year, but I will plan more in advance for next year!

    Alexis Steele

  4. I miss these retreats sooo much! Wish we were still in the SED.
    Jan Andersen


Thanks for adding your thoughts and comments- they are greatly appreciated.