
Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Favs- The Brides Danced

Still a few stories
that I wanted to post in our 2013 remembrance--

One gathering was the day after
youngest daughter's wedding this summer.
Wedding on Saturday night
and then gift opening on Sunday afternoon.
Then to humor the mother-
 all three daughters dressed up in their wedding dresses
 and reenacted some of the photos from their growing up years.

Some summers I fussed
and got some wonderful black and white photos
 of them in vintage dresses.
Way back then I would say-

"Someday- we will do this in your wedding dresses."
  And because I am way behind
 in getting their gowns cleaned and preserved-
  they were all still hanging in the basement--
that helped to make the day happen.

For more years than we can count- over twenty-
dear friend Kristin has been part of the sisterhood.
Making memories of giggling,
 antics and just plain sharing life.
She was a part of the summer dance in 2000-
 as well as the return- thirteen years later.
Some times the story only happens once-
and sometimes the gift comes around again.

The Denninger Sisters
Lto R-Sara- wedding June 2013,
 Laura- wedding August 2009,
 Jessica- wedding July 2011

Friend Kristin joined them -
 (with persuasion) wearing my
 1979 wedding dress and my hat also
Summer 2000- 
the yard dance

Together by the garden shed- 
summer 2000

The White Dress Run
Here is the vintage dress 
yard run in 2000- 13 years ago
June 2013- 
we have always loved 
the color contrasts of hair and skin

Summer 2000

And a day in holding - 
for a blink of time-
of grace and gift and goodness.
O give thanks unto the Lord;
 for He is good: 
for His mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 136:1


  1. So adorable! :) Love all of them!

  2. These are great! :) What fun memories.

  3. Oh so breathtakingly beautiful! Love!

  4. Mom, love this post! Love the old pictures with the new.
    love love love


  5. Connie: These are wall-worthy, and maybe Hallmark will be knocking on your door for these! Thx for sharing! I see 'you' & John in these lovely women! Enjoy. Absolutely stunning ! ! !

  6. Connie: these are stunning! Absolutely wall-worthy, and maybe Hallmark will be knocking on your door! thx for sharing. Clearly see the John 'and' Connie in these! :)

  7. Connie, the last 2 posts from 'unknown' is from me. I didn't learn how to communicate this stuff in Kindergarten. Not sure if I'm doing this right, but I loved your blog of dancing wedding beauties!
    -Linda Messmann-

  8. ah- lInda so great to see who this is! thanks for sharing in my little piece of the world- blessings

  9. Hi Connie! It's Chris Hogan. I adore your blog and this particular one brought tears to my eyes. I remember those beautiful, sweet teenage girls who helped me and so many other young moms at PoP! They have grown and matured into wonderful women with you and P.J. guiding them.
    I would like to thank both of you because you two guided Charles and I and helped us mature as parents and Christians. You both made such a significant impact on our lives! Thank you and God's blessings in y'all's continued ministry!

  10. Dear MamaHogan- and we give thanks for all those who have shaped us along the way- to be graced with lovingkindness and a whole lot of patience for us…
    God is Good.

  11. Hi Connie! I adore your blog and this one brought back so many fond memories of PoP! Your beautiful girls were wonderful sitters and helped many young moms around the church. They have grown into lovely young women with guidance from you and P.J.
    I would like to thank both of you because your guidance also helped Charles and I mature as parents and Christians. We will forever be grateful for the time we were blessed to spend with y'all at PoP!
    Thank you and God's blessings for y'all's continued ministry.


Thanks for adding your thoughts and comments- they are greatly appreciated.