
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Greetings- 2014

Greetings to you and Happy New Year 2014!

 Looking at the New Year dawning,

and giving thanks for many blessings,

continuing to learn the practice of 

Giving Thanks in all things,

Counting Gifts.


Chaplain Glen Krans talked in his sermon last night at a 

New Year's Eve worship- about our inability in our fallen sinful state, to even do resolutions- we must be reminded that we must approach all of life in the "I can't" state. But, we are given the grace gifts to do all that Christ desires to form and shape in us. I must be ready and formable for the Holy Spirit to work within me in 2014.

 Watching, Ready and Moving Toward these gifts.

As we sang this song in worship last evening-

 I believe that these words could be the alignment of

LIVING WELL in 2014-
Tell the story of God's glory with
 hearts and voices.

In Thee Is Gladness

Text: Johann Lindemann; trans. by Catherine Winkworth 
Cantor Johann Lindemann (b. Gotha, Thuringia, Germany, 1549; d. Gotha, 1631)
 wrote this text to fit the tune IN DIR IST FREUDE
1. In thee is gladness, amid all sadness
 Jesus, sunshine of my heart.
 By thee are given the gifts of heaven, 
 thou the true Redeemer art.
 Our souls thou makest, our bonds thou breakest; 
 who trusts thee surely hath built securely, 
 and stands forever.  Alleluia!  
 Our hearts are pining to see thy shining; 
 dying or living, to thee are cleaving; 
 naught can us sever.  Alleluia!

2. If God be ours, we fear no powers, 
 not of earth or sin or death.  
 God sees and blesses in worst distresses, 
 and can change them in a breath.  
 Wherefore the story tell of God's glory 
 with heart and voices; all heaven rejoices, 
 singing forever; Alleluia!  
 We shout for gladness, triumph o'er sadness, 
 loving and praising, voices still raising 
 glad hymns forever:  Alleluia!

Chaplain Krans talked about images associated with the
 New Year - the Old Man Reaper and the New Year infant- 
(often with wings-as time flies)
It is a time of repentance that forms the
new page opening in the year.

So I approach 2014 knowing that whatever
distress awaits, God can change them in a breath,
for God is mine and I am His.

For each and every breath is gift- and grace.

"It is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this
 not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by work, so
 that no on can boost." Ephesians 2: 8-9

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