
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Franciscan Archaeological Museum- Jerusalem

The Church of the Flagellation 
is nestled In Jerusalem's Old City along the Via Dolorosa.
The complex also contains the
 Stadium Biblicum Franciscum, 
a school for Biblical studies 
established by Catholic Franciscan monks. 
Opened in 1901, 
the center has gathered a massive collection
 of archaeological finds.

The museum's exhibits span hundreds of years of
 regional history but focus especially on the Roman era.
A room each is devoted to the artifacts uncovered
 in the significant early Christian areas
  of Capernaum and Nazareth,
as well as
 Mt. Nebo and the Herodian. 

Special attention has been paid to the
 early Christian era and the significance
 of the cross symbol is shown in the artifacts.

Found in tombs located in Gethsemane

Oil lamps for light


Clay oil stands

First Century AD Roman Glass

Rows and rows of beautiful pottery

Early menorah symbol

Description for previous photo

Worth a stop in to see the 
collected artifacts.

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