
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Nursery Nesting

Telling a bit of the story of getting ready-
 back when our daughter, Laura,
 was making the nest
 for new grandson -Griffin.
She found the bottom half of an old door
 with neat key opening that had been made
 into a shelf in a thrift store.
Then an old window with a single pane
 was placed above to make it look like one unit.
(photo before initial shelf added on the right)

A photo from the "waiting series"
was blown up and added to the clear glass frame.

Another photo for the window and the shelf with
old baby shoes and Willow Tree figurine gifts.

Hmmm-- maybe with animals and the baby shoes.
An old art teaching book sitting on 
stacked boxes for storage.

 An old frame had been retrofitted with peg board
 and it made the perfect gathering spot for animal friends,
 teethers, and all things soft and cuddly.

A comfy recliner was brought in for feedings
 and cuddling. With a treasured baby blanket 
that had been made for dad- Joshua.

A vintage Noah's ark print set
 the color scheme for the nursery-
brown and soft green and blue.

A Jerusalem cross brought back from Israel
 this past January tops the grouping.

A precious Richard Hook photo of Jesus
 and child from Aunt Lois.
 Large tag board letters were covered to
 make an initial shelf.
Simply tore pieces of the same
 vintage maps and used Mod Podge.
Griffin Joshua Schumacher 

Some childhood favorite books
  are now board books for little ones.
 Propped in a box on the wall makes it easy
 for a quick change out or to grab and read.

 Working with a theme of old maps,
  used vintage state maps
 to make folded paper medallions.
 Added a smaller one
 and topped with a painted wood circle from
Michael's and a large letter in black.
Strung on twine with pom pom yarn
that keeps the medallions
 from sliding all together.

Thanks to Uncle Stephen and Aunt Emily 
for taking apart and shipping the crib
 across country from Las Vegas. 
With the most amazing notes and instructions. 
 All the Blank kids started out here with LOVE.
Hard to get photos in the tiny room
 but here is the name banner over the crib.

Added a changing spot on top of 
handed-down "family" desk.

A tall green painted shelf - 
the perfect size for books and 
and scavenged baskets from around the house,
serves as closet storage.

Another bookcase retrofitted with baskets.
IKEA lamp on top shelf.

A punched circle and some vintage ribbon 
Makes sorting and storing simple.

Check out the group Pinterest board
 for products and resources -
Baby schu nursery and baby gear

1 comment:

  1. Mom, What a lovely post of Griffin's nursery! I love all the photos you took and the descriptions. Thank you for making a special post about Griffin's nursery. LOVE YOU!!


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