
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bible Marginalia-Journaling- When Every Journey Differs

#1 in the Bible Marginalia Series

Maybe the word Marginalia is a new word for you
 to connect to note taking in your Bible.
Seems like research shows that this has been around
 for a long time- like J.S. Bach time.
If you are a purist-
and believe that any writing in your Bible is WRONG, 
then this series is NOT for you.
Unless you want to see how the Holy Spirit
 might just direct you on a new pathway.

I have been using the same Bible
 for connecting God's Word to my life
 since Sept. 1997.
published by Thomas Nelson
(think there is a newer version out now)

I have many Bibles and versions
 that I use for reading-
 but this is the one that has been the "life collector".
Sermon notes, life event notes, prayers,
ah ha moments, connecting thoughts,
and His Word in rainbow color. 
It is where I have watched the Holy Spirit bring
WORD and WORLD together.
(this wording thanks to Lisa Hickman)

Some current readings: 
 Finding Spiritual Whitespace - Bonnie Gray
    Marginalia - H.J. Jackson

Some previous readings:
   Praying in Color- Sybil MacBeth
    Writing in the Margins- Lisa Nichols Hickman

Some Foundational readings: 
1000 Gifts- Ann Voskamp
 Shaped by the Word-
 M. Robert Mulholland

I use to feel pretty alone
 in these method of connecting 
to God's Word and then I saw this article 
from the Summer 2014 Edition of the Concordian.
A magazine published by Concordia University- Mequon-
a part of the Lutheran Church 
Missouri System University System.

It was a wonderful tribute to Dr. Saleska 
and his work at the Concordia Bible Institute
 for the past 14 years.
In the article they showed the Bible that was a gift
 from his father when he graduated in 1949, 
from St. Paul's Jr. College in Concordia, MO.

A Bible well-worn, written in, highlighted,
sticky noted, and LOVED.

This photo was a gift to me.
There was another who could NOT
 keep from this kind of interaction with God's Word.
Another person created meaning-making
 in the same way.
I was absolved.

I had been slowly reading through
 Writing in the Margins since early summer.
Some pieces made more sense.
Mulling this all around- 
how it applies to my journey in the Word.

And then a couple of weeks ago
 I found this group on Facebook-

Journaling Bible Community
A quickly growing and diverse group
 of over 2700 members.
I joined in a flash.

It takes a little bit of nudging to share something
 so personal as my Bible.
But, I do so not to highlight my journey, 
techniques, or style.
Seventeen years worth-
 but never planned to show anyone.
These posts are offered to encourage you to explore
 whatever way is YOU.

Let the Holy Spirit move you to listen  to His nudgings.

I will be sharing my gleanings from the books listed here
as it applies to Bible Marginalia.
Don't you just love that word- Marginalia?
My life vocation is to be an encourager 
to full-time ministry workers and laity too.
I work to bring interactive tools to explore
 this part of spiritual formation- 
for the NON- ARTIST.
(stick figures are too complicated for me)

In the front of my Bible
 is this favorite quote from Martin Luther.

Let's explore a bit of this journey together.

For the sake of every different journey.


  1. Thank you for inviting me to join you in the journey. I love the picture of Dr. Saleska and his BIble.


Thanks for adding your thoughts and comments- they are greatly appreciated.