
Monday, September 15, 2014

Intercessory Visual Prayers

The prayers of just one weekend.

Meeting people- 
hearing their Needs, 
Joys and Challenges.

Too overwhelmed to know just what to pray.
A verse to center the blessing of prayer 
over these ministry workers and their families.

The outpouring of a heart 
that may have no words.
Collected on a 4 by 6 index card.

One simple Bible verse to hold together
 the lifting up.
The lines and tangles simply keep me focused.
To not stray, forget what I am doing, 
to tussle with distractions.

The Family names.
The Children.
The Church families.
The Neighborhoods.

 Placed simply here, Lord, to hand to you.
And turn it all over to you.
The healing. 
The illnesses.
The hurts.
The beginnings.
The congregations.
The celebrations.

Given as gifts. 
Copied to continue the prayers.

Collected here:

Won't you join me here in these prayers?
For the sake of the Kingdom.

Notes for making the visual prayer cards:
These stamps are from this source:
Bible verse stamps

add small scale other stamps to "start" a blank card
can add magazine cutouts for variety
There is no "wrong" way
 to do these intercessory prayer cards.
Go ahead- Bless others!

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