
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bible Marginalia- Amazing Grace

#12 in the Bible Marginalia Series

1 Peter 3: 21

The flood is a figure of Baptism.
in each case, water saves.
The world was cleansed when Noah
 and his family were lifted up by the flood. 
Baptism cleanses us and raises us to new life.
By grace, Baptism is a means of salvation
 through which the Holy Spirit produces faith.
We are forgiven and holy because of Christ.
That forgiveness is applied to us in Baptism. 
The life we are given in Baptism
 was earned by Christ.
(adapted from notes- Lutheran Study Bible)

Printed journaling cut out
Heart punch is from a magazine page
 Sharpie fine-point marker- non-bleeding
Colored pencils

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