
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bible Marginalia- For "NON- ARTISTS"

#11 in the Bible Marginalia Series

The basic principle of Bible Marginalia 
is that this is intended to be process-driven
 rather than end-product evaluated.
Much of my teaching is done 
to help EVERYONE participate-
 regardless of "artistic experience",
 artistic ability, 
and materials available.
So I am always trying out a variety 
of ways to draw people to the 
Scriptural Practice of Bible Marginalia.
Commonly found materials, ease of use, 
and adaptability 
are criteria I use for trying out new possibilities.

4x6 or even 3x5 graph index cards
 make lettering and design work easy
They can be added in with washi tape
 to a regular Bible 
or cut to size for a wide-margin Bible.

There are many choices of graphic design
 coloring books from Dover Publications. 
The pages can be cut into 4x6 cards
 to have a design already on the page
 and then notes and journaling can be added.
This was added in with washi tape.
Dover Publications offers some great choices
 for pages for Bible Journaling.
There are also many boards on Pinterest 
that have free downloadable coloring pages.

You can't go wrong with your 
favorite color palette sample
 from your local Home Design store.
Pick up a few color charts when you stop by, 
and cut to size for a wide-margin Bible.
Simply add the words that help in your study.
Can also be stamped with simple designs.

This study needed a simple way 
to list the Ten commandments.
Knew I would never get this 
done in the space provided-
so simply typed them up on the computer,
 figured out the font size that worked, and printed.
Helps if you are teaching in a group setting 
and all can easily add this in
 with their own unique touch.
(I know that numbering systems change
 in denominations-
this list taken from Martin Luther's Small Catechism)
So, don't let the "standards" of your 
artistic talent keep you from participating.
Try a way that might work for you-
and join in the practice of
Scriptural Journaling.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting this series and all your ideas! you are a beacon of light~


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