
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bible Marginalia- The Gift of Community

Bible Marginalia Series #123

                                                                                                work of Pat Maier
The next couple of posts will feature the work
 of my friend Pat Maier who lives near Ann Arbor, MI.
We recently were able to spend
 some time together. 
One of the great blessings in the sisterhood 
we share is the way we are connected in community
 with the love of the Visual Study of God's Word.
Where life and His Word 
meet in the margins of our Bibles.
 Here Sticky note tabs divide up space
 and a Martin Luther quote 
connects the Hebrew 4:12 verse.

                                                                                                          work of Pat Maier
Sometime sermon notes make things 
come together in our mind and heart.
 A visual of that helps our mind recall
 an important point-
 as we bring worship into our week.
Here notes are divided 
with handwriting font changes.
                                                                                                            work of Pat Maier
Color makes His Word come even more alive.
 No wonder Illuminated Margins 
were often added to the ancient texts.
Here the shading and simple image- 
of cross as strong tower merge to create one
impacting statement. 

What a blessing to share
 this journey in His Word with a friend.
It is the gift of Community.

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