
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bible Marginalia-Do as I say

Bible Marginalia Series- #180
 Jeremiah 7:23

Think this pretty well sums up
 most of Jeremiah so far.
An obedience theme 
runs through these passages.
To my ear Jeremiah sounds
 like a broken record.
Doesn't anyone hear what he is saying?
 Then I stop short,
and remember- oh yea-
that's me too.
Listening to the call of the world, 
and my selfish desires,
and deaf to God's good plan for me.

Oh, Lord, help me to 
"pay attention"
to your call to my heart.
That all may be well.

Inspire Bible
Colored pencils
 Fine-point Sharpie marker
Washi tape


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