
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bible Marginalia -God's Word is Living and Active

Bible Marginalia Series- #196

A favorite section in Hebrews 4.
These words often get separated out
 from the rest of the reading.
It is actually a reminder about Sabbath.
Sabbath rest.
Resting from our work.
We must strive to enter the REST, 
not for more work.
Some words about hardening hearts.
God knows our hearts.
God's Word is active and alive,
 sharper than a two-edged sharp.
His Word knows our hearts,
discerning the thoughts and intentions.
We must be careful that we don't cause
 disobedience about Sabbath
 and cause others to stray by our actions.
That is challenging words
 in a busy, busy world,
that measures our worth by our busyness.

Lord, allow me to work toward Sabbath.
That my actions lead others to rest.
May my heart intentions be clear
 and focused on you only.
Give me strength in my weakness. Amen.

Targe $1 bin for page flags
Assorted alpha letters.
Printable from Lisa Hickman
scrapbook paper circle cutouts
colored pencils

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