
Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas 2- A Host of Heavenly Angels

 Bible Marginalia Series-#227
A Host of Heavenly Angels
This is the day that remembers
 St. Stephan the Martyr.
Not such a great ending to his story.
Until we remember that is not the end of his story.
Because of our Christmas story celebration,
we all have a different end to our story.

Sometimes today is a rather melancholy day
 for me, as I think back and remember 
the death of my first husband on this day.
Now 37 years ago today.
But, it is this very Heavenly host image
 that reminds me of this joyful rejoicing chorus.
And there is Larry, and my mom and dad.
And someday me, 
and prayerfully all my loved ones.
And that's a good ending to the story.

Using those Christmas cards
Washi tape
A super way to still get a visual image
 in these especially busy days.

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