
Sunday, August 27, 2017

To all the Mommas

 A prayer and a hug to all the mommas-
   working around the clock...... 
to love and care for their littles....
 Day in and day out.....
Morning into the night
Through giggles and crying jags
cuts, bruises and stings 
In between other commitments, 
 jobs and support-
there is cleaning, errands and laundry.
 Then the next day --
you do it all again.

So on a day when it seems like it never ends-
and you have used up all the patience reserves,
and exasperation settles in with
put on hold,

"You should never be irritated 
in those moments where it is clear 
that your children need you, 
no matter what it's interrupting. 
The fact that your children 
need to be supervised, 
cared for, and sustained by you 
is the wise choice of the Creator. 
Sheep need shepherding 
because they're sheep, 
and children need parenting 
because they're human beings.
Paul Tripp- Author-
 Parenting- 14 Gospel Principles 
That Can Radically Change Your Family.

Well said, Paul.
And well done, mommas of all ages -
to children of all ages.

And to three very special mommas-
 Jessica, Laura and Sara-
 just to let you know
 how proud I am of each of you.


  1. We love you too mom! Thanks for being such a wonderful example, helper, prayer warrior, Gigi! Thanks for sacrificing your time to help us mommas! Love you!

  2. Love this mama! Thank you! So very thankful for your continued sheparding over your girls and your grand-boys! Love you!!


Thanks for adding your thoughts and comments- they are greatly appreciated.