
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Overcoming Obstacles Series- SEVEN- Worthiness

Overcoming Obstacles- SEVEN- Worthiness

There are days when everyone else seems to 
"have it going on"
except me.
Just plugging along- day in and day out.
 Things don't seem too different.
Dreams, goals and projects?
Why should things succeed for me?
Do I have enough education, 
knowledge, skill,
or experience?
There will always be many more
 with higher qualifications.
Seems like I can talk myself out
 of it before even starting.
Think it will just take experience and practice.
Knuckle down and get going.
Think Nike has had it right for a long time.
Just gonna sit right down 
and have a bit of "worthiness" talk with myself.
Coz- you remember where that starts from- right?
Our worthiness comes from the relationship
 with the ONE who makes us worthy.
 Not from anything we do or achieve, 
 plan and execute.
Our worthiness is pure gift.
For that we simply give HIM honor 
and follow His lead.

Bible centering:

And now, my daughter, do not fear. 
I will do for you all that you ask, 
for all my fellow townsmen know
 that you are a worthy woman.
Ruth 3:11

Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy 
of honor among God’s people. 
Help her in whatever she needs, 
for she has been helpful to many, 
and especially to me.
Romans 16:2

Thanks to Pat Rigsby for his article in Fit-Pro Summer 2017 
for the inspiration for this series.

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