
Monday, October 30, 2017

Reformation 500- Martin Luther's Seal

My husband received this gift this past summer.
 It has been propped up on the window sill.
I like how it is so delicately done
 and I love the symbolism 
of this tiny piece of stitchery.

The Luther seal or Luther rose 
is a widely recognized symbol for Lutheranism.
 It was the seal that was designed for Martin Luther 
 at the behest of John Frederick of Saxony in 1530, 
while Luther was staying at the Coburg Fortress
 during the Diet of Augsburg. 
Lazarus Spengler, to whom Luther
 wrote his interpretation, 
sent Luther a drawing of this seal. 
Luther saw it as a compendium or expression 
of his theology and faith, 
which he used to authorize his correspondence.
 Luther informed Philipp Melanchthon 
on September 15, 1530, 
that the Prince had personally 
visited him in the Coburg Fortress 
and presented him with a signet ring
presumably displaying the seal.
I have tried to find the designer/creator
 on Facebook and on the internet
 and haven't been able 
to find any contact information.
 Maybe that will sow up with this blog post!!!

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