
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mere Christianity- Revisited

October 2006 was when I picked up
 my first C.S. Lewis book.
I had overheard a conversation
 at a Graduation reception 
as a Harvard graduate told the story
 of his "loss of faith" while at the University.
Then he was assigned to read 
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
He began to move back toward the cross.

Intrigued by this story,
 I put it on my stack of books to read.
A challenging read, yes,
 but some sentences 
just kept coming back over and over.
On October 15, 
I gave up my struggle to remember the words. 
In the middle of the night I grabbed a canvas,
 slathered paint on,
 and waited impatiently for it to dry.
And began to write...
the sentences that were turning around in my head.
And my heart.
I believe that this was an integral point
 in my understanding that I needed to 
SEE things to make the connections.
Over and Over again.
It has hung on a wall 
in my house ever since that night.
And as I pass by, 
a sentence or two will catch my attention.
And I remember......
Recently a daughter said she was starting
 to read Mere Christianity.
I asked if she wanted a reading companion.
Then I noticed how faded the 
Sharpie pen had become on the canvas. 
Time for a do-over.
 So - today- January 16, 2018, 
11 1/2 years later- I wrote over the words again.
Yes, we live in enemy-occupied territory.
He is NOT a tame God.
God cannot give happiness and peace 
apart from Himself, because it is not there.
Faith- the art of holding on to things
 your reason has once accepted, 
in spite of your changing moods.

Perhaps, this will last till 2030, 
another 12 years.
And possibly, my need to SEE and Remember
 will still be an integral part 
of how the Lord makes connections 
in my spiritual formation.
 I am thankful for the journey.


  1. I've been thinking about reading a C.S. Lewis book for some time now, his name keeps popping up in unexpected places. I think this book "Mere Christianity" is probably a good place to start. Thanks for sharing Connie.

  2. Love this Mom!! I'm very excited to read it with you!!


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