
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bible Journaling -Throw off Everything

Bible Journaling Series- #282

Hebrew 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded 
by so great a cloud of witnesses, 
let us also lay aside every weight, 
(throw off everything)
and sin which clings so closely, 
(the sin which so easily entangles)
and let us run with endurance
(run with perseverance) 
the race that is set before us,
(marked out for us)
looking to Jesus,
(fixing our eyes on Jesus)
 the founder and perfecter of our faith, 
who for the joy that was set 
before him endured the cross,
despising the shame,
 and is seated at the right hand
 of the throne of God.

Much of these verses seem appropriate
 during these days of the 2018 Winter Olympics.
surrounded by a cloud of witnesses- 
the crowds watching

the weight- 
the training and pressure

the race set before us- 
 the set course

run with endurance- 

the ability to finish

but then there is a focus change-
fix our eyes on Jesus.
It becomes less us and more of him-
the perfecter of our faith.
The joy Jesus found
 in the agony of the cross-
or as we might hear- the "agony of defeat."
Jesus is then seated on the throne- 
not the podium with the gold medal-
but life everlasting with His Father.
As we listen to all the commotion 
around physical races and finishes-
let us watch closely the race we run.
Let us be encouragers to each other
 to run the race that matters for eternity.

Here is the link to download
 this image on the 
Visual Faith Ministry website:

Here is the link to the 
sticker paper from Staples:

Pat Maier Margin printed on clear sticker
Colored pencils
 Fine-Point Sharpie marker

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