
Monday, April 30, 2018


So I have a thing for nests.
For years now I have been gathering
 them when storms send gathered bundles
 from tree or bush to the ground.
The eggs here aren't real 
and I don't know what kind 
of birds have built them.
But, they are each an individual work of art.
This was used fall leaves 
woven right into the nest.
 I actually shared some 
with daughters this spring.
Time to share the lovely.
This one has a "mud" center.
A find late winter this year.
This is a purchased nest.
Like the greens added to it.

This "nest" was made by Rebecca Ersfeld.
A vintage crochet thread 
spool base with crocheted ruffle.
And a velvet ribbon handle.

Nests just seem to go 
with lilies of the valley.
A few years back we made this
 nest at Creative Haven.
Burlap wrapped peat pot,
and vintage book fringed
 to frame the nest of spaghnum moss.

Always a way to add a breath
 of spring blessings 
with a nested twig globe.
Sometimes a photo edited in the
Waterlogue App brings a new view-
as colors gently fuse.

Oh, yes,
I will walk the grounds 
after the next windy day.
And maybe........


  1. So interesting! I love the way you seem to turn your photos into a painting -is that actual painting or digital?

    1. Lynne- that is the Waterlogue app on the iPhone and then save to my phone and I love how they look like a watercolor!


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