
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Enduring Word Bible- The Truth will set you Free

Enduring Word Bible- #33

Reformation Sunday-

Worship into the Week
John 8: 31-38
We read in the previous sentence, (v.30) 
that what Jesus said caused many to believe in him.
Then Jesus talked to the Jews who believed in him.
"If you abide in my word, 
you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth,
 and the truth will set you free."

We like to think a lot about our freedom.
We have a challenging history 
in coming to terms with slavery.
On either side of the dilemma.
And even today,
 we still have many sorts of slavery,
or things that enslave us.
Schedules, demands, expectations-
as well as "our stuff" and it's maintenance-
it all enslaves us.
Because it takes us away from 
the center of what Jesus demands of us-
 to abide in Him and His Word.
Somehow, that just seems almost too easy.
We like bigger obstacles than that...
But, Jesus never meant to
 make faith unobtainable.
 Jesus did the hard work, 
the heavy price paid of His own life,
for me. 
That is the Gospel truth, 
and the Reformation-
Good News. 

Printable margin- Visual Faith mInistry
Visual Church Year Worship Resources 
Colored pencils
Washi Tape

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