
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Give Thanks- for Great Leaders

We met in San Diego this week
 to honor the leaders
 who have left the Council of Presidents
 for the LCMS.
This is the list of those who have 
left the Council of Presidents.
There are 35 Districts and 35 Presidents
 within our church body.
With a salute and a prayer,
we share a  
and well-deserved send off to:
 Rev. Dr. Dean And Susie Nadasdy
Minnesota South District
 Rev. Dr. Dan and Judy May
Indiana District
 Rev. Kurt and Becky Schultz
Southern District
 Rev. Andy and Susan Dzurovcik
SELC District- (Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church)
 Rev. Terry and Marlene Cripe
Ohio District
 Rev. Ken and Val Hennings
Texas District
 Rev. Dr. Larry and Linda Stoterau
Pacific Southwest District
 Rev. Dan and Jan Gilbert
Northern Illinois District
Rev. Dr. Bob and Priscilla Newton
California -Nevada - Hawaii District
 Rev. Dr. Jim (and Mynra) Baneck
North Dakota District President

and Rev. Allen Anderson
Rocky Mountain District
(in absentia)
And we pray blessings and grace
upon you as you continue to serve in 
His Kingdom.
The Men in Black 
with their new jackets from LCEF.
What a fun crew of guys.

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