
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Soul-Tending Reading 2019

The 2019 Soul-Tending Book Stack.
I thought for awhile today about not sharing
 what the stack looks like for this year-2019.
Then the accountability factor
 goes WAYYYY down.
That can be a very good thing.
It is true that every year I have to move
 books from the stack 
that was to be- right to the next year's.
But, then, this ambitious 
grouping of titles makes it easy
 to always find the next book to read.
They aren't stacked in order 
and I really do depend 
on the nudges of the Holy Spirit
 for the next read.
I average about 30 books a year- 
so this doesn't count in my penchant
 for good ole' mysteries.
 I request them from the public library
 and I must be reading 
what everyone else loves in Fairfax County.
 Sometimes I have to wait 4-6 months
 to get a book that I have placed on HOLD.
That paces them out just about right for the year.
I have read Hinds' Feet On High Places
in a number of other versions 
and this is a lovely new 
Visual Story telling of this classic.
See some that you have read? 
Want to join me for a read to two?
 The lists for previous years can be found Here:
(as well as a couple years of 
really bad photos before I got a new iPhone.)


  1. Where did you find Hind's Feet in High Places? That is one of my favorites but haven't been able to find it.

    1. Thank you. I wrote down your list and will look at the other titles.

    2. soem fit my quirky reading style but highly suggest anything Ann Voskamp, the Liturgy of the Ordinary and anything Paul Maier

    3. So good to see other titles of Ann Voskamp's. I'm looking forward to reading one of hers - will see what appeals to me when I get my hands on them. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Carol - I got it on Amazon- just saw it there-


Thanks for adding your thoughts and comments- they are greatly appreciated.