
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Enduring Word Bible- Cornerstone

Enduring Word Bible- #41

Luke 20: 9-18
The Parable of the Wicked Tenant

We know this type of farming arrangement 

was common in Galilee.
The first listeners of Jesus would remember 
the connection of the vineyard 
and Old Testament readings in Isaiah. 
Here the vinedressers were the religious leaders
 among the Jewish people.
We also see God's incredible patience
 in dealing with the rebels, 
but a warning there will be a day of reckoning. 
The leaders see the connection to beloved Son 
and heir in Jesus.
The religious leaders saw the themselves
 implicated immediately and were indignant.
Then Jesus uses a Psalm 118 connection
 with the coming Messiah to Jerusalem.
Jesus goes from hosanna greetings 
to the Messianic stone rejection.
The cornerstone was the essential stone
 to any structure and 
Jesus is referred to as 
the rock or stone in the Bible.
The power of the stone shows 
both the ability to break- 
to crush our pride and self-will,
 and to destroy and crush in judgment
those who refuse to come to the rock.
It is easy to sit back and point 
to the Jewish leaders 
with their hardened hearts-
 and feel this isn't about me.
But, each and every day there are pieces
 of my hardened heart 
that must see the light of Gospel 
repentance and hope.
Pieces that need the force of rock
 to break in order for the healing to truly happen.
Pieces that need light to cast out the shadows.

Lord, Help me to remember that you
 are the cornerstone of my days and weeks.
Let me not move to wicked finger pointing
 and indignant belief that it is- not me.
May the Spirit keep my broken and contrite heart,
 that it may always seek
 to be mended by the Rock. Amen.

Visual Church year margin
Scrapbook paper
Colored pencils
Fine-point Sharpie pen

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