
Thursday, June 20, 2019


In the garden- an update.
4 inches of rain so far this month.
Makes me think of the verse:
"He is like a tree
    planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
    and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers."
Psalm 1:3
Seems like some days we do 
have a stream of water in the back yard.
The growing things are prospering.

But the balloon flowers love it.

The Filipendula- Queen of the Prairie love it.
The Hydrangea adore the moisture.
This Stella D'Oro daylily is ready to open.
You can see why this loosestrife
 is called- Gooseneck.
The flowers in a pot nuzzled 
against the hydrangea.
Brilliant Bee balm-
it does attract the bees.
Coneflowers brighten 
this corner right now.

The rampant loosestrife.

Lady Godiva - Yellow
English Marigold
Trying something new- 
I don't have very good luck 
with traditional marigolds.
Some gatherings on the deck cart-
highlighting a begonia from a friend.
So the daily rains continue-
sort of like living in the tropics.

Instagram- #dengardens

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