
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Worship into the Week- Rejoice

Worship into the Week-
 Luke 10: 1-20
The Sending and Return
 of the Seventy-Two

Jesus had sent out the group of 72 
into the towns ahead of himself.
Two by two into every town-
 where he was going.
With no budget, strategic plan, 
or evangelism trading manual- they went out.
Simply looking for "people of peace."
Where they were received- 
they shared in life with them. 
Living with them and eating 
and drinking what was provided.
 They blessed the people by healing the sick
 and casting out demons. 
But, the unrepentant cities got the-
 Woe to you!
casting aside from Jesus.
Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum-
 you rejected the one the Father sent.
It will not be well for you.
And as the 72 returned jubilant 
with their power in the name of Jesus,
He reminds them of the real gift.
..."but rejoice that your names
 are written in heaven."
Let us be mindful-
 when we swell with pride
 in any earthly accomplishment, 
that we live "rest assured."
Enduring Faith brings us the greater gift- 
to imagine more.
A place in heaven waits for us-
 a residence with our name on the mailbox.

Visual Church Year Project
Magazine cutouts
 Junk mail
Micron pen


Thanks for adding your thoughts and comments- they are greatly appreciated.