
Friday, October 18, 2019

Worship into the Week- Healed

 Worship into the Week-
Luke 17: 11-19
 Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers

On the way to Jerusalem.
Jesus passes along 
between Samaria and Galilee.
 A village- most likely small there in the desert area.
That is pretty desolate geography.
Probably where you would
 put a colony of lepers 
so they didn't impact a bigger population.
But, at a distance they recognize Jesus.
They call out to him.
They attribute the term- Master.
"Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."
Jesus responds to them immediately-
 no questions asked.
"Go and show yourselves to the priest."
And AS they went they were cleansed.
There wasn't a class to take, 
or a check list of "do-first.
 It was immediate relationship and response.
God's Unconditional Love embodied 
in Jesus reached right into their lives.
They were declared altogether beautiful-
 just as they were,
and after they were cleansed.
Jesus treated both body 
and soul in one fell swoop.
Enduring Word Bible - #59

I think I grew up as a child 
mad at the nine.
Think I heard many sermons 
about the "bad, ungrateful, lepers."
They failed to return and give thanks and praise.
Perhaps they did later in the day- 
but we don't know that part of the story.
The part that rises to the top for me now
 is just how often -
 I myself am all of the nine.
Was gonna say thanks,
 will pray about that tomorrow.
Oh, yea got to remember that....
How many times I have been healed.
Over and over again-in body and soul-
and never gave thanks and praise.

Lord, in my poor days,
 let me have greater faith to trust.
To be assured that to simply call out
 your name brings healing.
You are in the restoration business.
Though it may not be my timeline or method.
YOU build up my faith.
I give thanks.

Visual Church Year
Magazine cutouts
Junk mail
Water color pencils
Micron pen
Washi tape

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