
Friday, November 22, 2019

Worship into the Week- The Word Endures

Worship into the Week-
Luke 21:5-28
Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple
Jesus Foretells Wars and Persecution
Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem
The Coming of the Son of Man
These readings are hard to go through-
challenging, scary, and pointing
 to a really challenging future.
If not in our own generation, 
these predictions
 shadow one to come.
 "And then they will see the Son of Man
 coming in a cloud 
with power and great glory. 
Now when there things begin to take place, 
straighten up and raise your heads,
 because your redemption is drawing near."
Hope returns.
 Seeing Beyond 
what is right in front of me.
Added a tip-in because it goes along
 with the next section of Scripture-
The Lesson of the Fig Tree.
v. 31-"Truly, I say to you, this generation
 will not pass away until all has taken place. 
Heaven and earth will pass away, 
but my words
will not pass away." 
 Found a section of a Lutheran Witness article
 that connected these 2 sections with a bit of history.
 We rest on our Baptism promise, 
claimed and marked with His Word.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, 
but my words will not pass away."
This is from the One 
who must keep His promises.
The "end" of the church year-
also pulls back the curtain on the beginning
 of the waiting of "the coming."

Visual Church Year Printable
Junk mail
Magazine cutouts
Colored pencils
Finepoint Sharpie pen

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