
Sunday, May 10, 2020

To My Quarantined Young Mommas

You are moving through these days
 bravely right now.
Encircled by the little ones 
that keep you on the go...
even when you don't quite know
 the direction these days.
One day floats into another 
and only the dimming of the light 
gives a nod- another one down.
These little ones will listen to the stories someday-
of "remember when". 
Like your grandmothers 
told of the Great Depression and 
 World War 2.
You will have "ration" tales 
and empty-stocked shelves at the store.
You have taken to the "Great Outdoors" 
for a bit of respite and a sense 
that all is right with the world.
You have gathered them close and
hugged them tightly.
You have lined them up for family photos 
to mark the time for the generations to come.
You have done the silly faces to get the smiles-
 like all the generations before.
You have hugged them tightly
 even as you allow them 
to spread their wings to discover.
You have hid from them your own fears
 and doubts for this "new world" 
we live in and wondering what the future bodes.
You have allowed them to LIVE LARGE
 in tighter spaces-
expanded their worlds as the parameters closed in.
You have reassured YOUR OWN MOMMA 
that you are strong, true and trusting.
You have burned a light brightly of HOPE that 
reassures beyond human measure.
You have pointed to Scripture truths
 that have walked through the centuries
 to bring consolation-
because you live beyond these tedious days.

Born Again to a Living Hope

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! 
According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again 
to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, 
kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded 
through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Dear Daughters of MINE- this prayer for you.
May you see past the piles and the whines
to speak truth to the hearts 
of these littles ones in your care.
May they be blessed by your courageous
 moving into these days with
power beyond your understanding. 
May they know that your steadfast love for them
 is just a little picture of their Father's great love and
the sacrifice of His Own Son for each and everyone.
Be Hope Bringers. Be Joy Spreaders.
 Be Grace Givers.
Be strong in your bravery 
and humbled by His strength. Amen.

I hope you know how very proud
 I am of each of you-
Jessica, Laura and Sara-
 in this Mother's Day story time of today.
love, mom


  1. This is simply lovely Connie! Brava and thank you!

  2. Love this mama! Thank you for your words!! We have one amazing mama who showed us the way. Love you!


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