
Sunday, September 20, 2020

In Limbo


In limbo here in the house in Michigan
 with the new baby. 

Sitting amidst packing boxes and disarray,

 no matter how much we are trying to help keep

 a sense of normalcy for a 2 and 4 year old.

And also for us adults.

New for the parents.

And all in a sleep deprived state

 with a two week old baby.

We see the end of the tunnel.

                         Little Miss Hadley is trying to figure out

 this new squirming thing.

                                                    Dan as Daddy and Uncle-

sets out with four on the sidewalks

 in a mini Tour deFrance.

The two littles can be

 heard shouting- "Go Fast!"

Feeding the boys.

Now we hear that it may be a much longer wait

 to get test results back for this little sweetheart.

Oh Lord, waiting is hard- 

 bear with my impatience,

 my fidgeting heart that wants things quickly.

Bring peace in this "waiting till" days-

 that we may breathe deep 

and savor each moment until 

your Right Time.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh the kids are absolutely adorable and the baby is just precious!.. I hope things calm down for you all quickly and you can all relax some.. I pray the Lord sends you all his peace.


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