
Friday, March 12, 2021

Worship into the Week- Boast in the Lord


Worship into the Week-
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
1 Corinthinans 1:18-31
The cross was a challenging issue 
for both the Jews and the Greeks (Gentiles).
Paul worked among both while living in Corinth.

 "For the word of the cross is folly 
to those who are perishing, 
but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
The Jews thought the cross appeared to be weakness,
and the Greeks thought it was foolish, not wisdom.
Paul speaks to the congregation and reminds them
 that they are not people of privilege, wield power, 
or have vast influence.
The growth of the church did not depend on 
them having education, riches or connections.
God was able to do what He needed
 with just ordinary people.
It is God's gifts to His people, not diplomas or credentials, 
that bring value to our work in the Kingdom.
We are nothing too special, 
and can never treat others as unimportant.
Everything Paul was sharing upended the world's economy.
Nothing was as it seemed. 
Nothing is gained to follow puffed up human leaders.
Where is the power?
It is God's doing that unites people to Christ. 
v.30-wisdom comes from God, as well as righteousness,
 sanctification and redemption.
We bring nothing to the table.
Human leaders seeking to be self-important
 actually get in the way of the Gospel.
And this section ends with a notice-
beware of human leaders who boast in themselves.
We are to boast only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship into the Week
Visual Church Year Printables
Magazine Cutouts
Washi Tape
Colored pencils
Fine-point Sharpie

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