
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Gospel of Mark and the Art of Sally Beck

 I have been reading the Gospel of Mark. 
I am always drawn to the images of artist Sally Beck.
 I decided at the first of the year that I would 
begin a journey in the Gospels 
and use the images that she has created that are on the 
Visual Faith Ministry website.
Every so often I sat and used colored pencils, watercolors, 
paper, and washi tape to slow down, 
pay attention and pray a verse of Scripture.
 The images are gathered in an 8 1/2 by 11 journal.
Last week as I was finishing up the first chapter of Mark,
 I realized that there was a pattern of sitting down
 to do this on the 21st of the month.
I didn't color the verses in order, 
it was where I was drawn with Holy Spirit nudges.
But, I do like the part of this being a practice
 for the 21st of the month.
You can see it took me 4 months to do Chapter ONE.
But, this time and reflection process
 does not have a time line.
I wait to see what the Holy Spirit
 does with this in my devotional life.
It really is a beautiful thing 
to not be in charge of the journey.

 I will keep you posted along the way.


  1. This is just gorgeous! Unbelievable... And, we can all do this!

  2. Oh these are beautiful! I would love to do this... I think I am going to go to her website and see how I can do these too. I think these would be very helpful in my walk through the Scriptures. Thankyou for posting!


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