
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Bible Marginalia- the Light of Life


Bible Marginalia-

I Am the Light of the World

John 8:12-30

Jesus was stating things pretty clearly 

here about who He was and who affirmed that- His Father.

Jesus said... "I have been telling you from the beginning."

But, they didn't want to hear it then 

and they didn't want to hear it now.

They hearts were closed and they walked in darkness.

Anytime I am in deep darkness, 

I search and search for the light.

How wonderful when that pierces the darkness,

 and I can see again.

And see for eternity. 

And this light makes everything

 different in the here and now.

Jesus. It is Jesus- the LIGHT.


Enduring Word Bible

Colored pencils

Red Fine-point Sharpie pen

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