
Saturday, April 9, 2022

Worship into the Week- Righteousness Through Faith

Worship into the Week-

Philippians 3:4b-7, 8-14
 Righteousness Through Faith in Christ

Apostle Paul suggests that is is an example 
of trusting in Christ only, 
and not in his privileges as an Israelite.
He could have boasted in life things 
as a Jew and a Pharisee.
His pedigree was faultless,
and he studied under Gamaliel.
He was a scholar of the best teachings 
and lived to the letter of the law.
His zeal was to persecute all those
 he considered the enemy.
He could have found justification in this,
 but all things changed when he came to know Christ.
All the previous things were a loss in his life
 and everything was to be gained in Christ.
His ambition was for knowledge of Jesus his Lord,
a believing experiential relationship.
He laid aside all rights and took up this lifestyle of 
advocate and follower of Jesus.
He set his heart on heaven
 and framed his happiness with that view.
He was trying to help the Philippians
 to see that all things
 hinged on the Resurrection of the dead.
He pressed toward this goal,
and was willing to do anything or suffer 
anything for this hope and prospect.
This brought him great courage and constancy
 and he was fearful that others 
would miss this great opportunity.
It is only through the merit of Jesus Christ and his grace
that any of us are kept in this mighty power.
It is not our laying hold of Christ first,
but his holding of us,
that is our happiness and salvation.
The prize is heaven 
and that is the mark for all of us.

Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable 
Magazine cutouts,
Colored pencil
Tag embellishment

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