
Saturday, May 7, 2022

Worship into the Week- The Lamb Reigns


Worship into the Week-
Revelations 5:1-4
The Scroll and the Lamb

"Jesus Christ is introduced in the vision of God's
 heavenly glory as the victorious Lamb. 
He is presented to the heavenly host as the one 
who can receive the scroll form God and look into it. 
His receiving the scroll from God 
is also a demonstration 
and a vindication that his death 
and resurrection were a victory for God and his people."
Concordia Commentary- Revelation- Louis Brighton p. 134

"This vision of God's heavenly glory and the enthronement 
of Jesus Christ and of the celebration begun and now ongoing
 not only introduces the prophetic message of Revelation, 
it also dominates and controls it and shows
 how it is all going to end.
Jesus Christ is the Lord of the message."
Concordia Commentary- Revelation- Louis Brighton p. 146

"After his coronation (Rev. 4-5) , he himself (6:1-7:17)
 introduces the message to John.
(The message for 8:1 to 22:5 is from Jesus through angels.)
And Jesus controls if for the purpose
 of strengthening the saints, 
of aiding his church to carry out her mission on earth,
and of judging the the powers 
and persons of wickedness and evil.
Everything seen and heard
 in the prophetic message is to be interpreted in view
 of this inaugural vision of Christ's coronation, 
for then and only then will the individual components
 of the message yield their proper interpretation."
Concordia Commentary- Revelation- Louis Brighton p. 146-147

Choosing to go to the expert on the book of Revelation,
as I sit with my take aways.
Holy, Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.
To the Lamb- be blessing and honor 
and glory and might forever and ever.
Visual Church Year Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Enduring Word Bible
Colored Pencils
Recycled bill envelope
Distress ink

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