
Saturday, March 11, 2023

Worship into the Week- Justified


Worship into the Week- Justified 

Romans 4:1-8, 13-17

Abraham Justified By Faith

The promise granted to Abraham 

was not because of any of his works,

 but because "Abraham believed God."

Justified- Just as If I had not Sinned.

The Promise Realized Through Faith

 v.13 " For the promise to Abraham and his offspring

 that he would be heir of the world 

did not come through the law 

but through the righteousness of faith."

v.16 "That is why it depends on faith, 

in order that the promise may rest on grace 

and be guaranteed to all his offspring-

not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one

 who shares the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all,

as it is written, 

"I have made you the faith of many nations,"

- in the presence of the 'go in whom he believed, 

who life to the dead and calls 

into existence the things that do not exist."


Visual Faith Printable


Worship into the Week Printable


Highlighter Sharpie

Sharpie pens

Washi Tape 

Scrapbook paper

Magazine cut-outs

Colored pencils

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