
Friday, September 29, 2023

Worship into the Week- To Live is Christ

Worship into the Week-
Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30
The Advance of the Gospel
To Live is Christ
Paul was speaking to the people of Phillipi 
and his circumstances were not good in prison.
Yet, he had this amazing trust that God 
does not waste anything happening to us. 
Paul could see the Gospel moving forward
 even in his bad situation.
 I have a pretty hard time setting 
that standard and keeping it.
Living free and life well would be the good dream.
But, Paul understands that He belongs to the Lord-
 whether dead or alive.  
His is with Christ while alive, 
but to be dead and with Jesus is even better. 
But, that isn't his choice to make.
So he comes to a clear view of living the everyday:
v.27 "Only let your manner of life
 be worthy of the gospel of Christ."

merit recognition
to balance the scales. 
We are called to live as a child of God
 and heir with Jesus.
We must pray that my life as a follower of Jesus 
matches the great gift of my spiritual position 
of heir to the Kingdom.
It is a simple, straightforward system of living.
 Think Deeply, Act Justly, 
and Live Wholeheartedly for Jesus.

Visual Faith Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine cutouts
Colored pencils
Vintage stamps


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