
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

VaLENTine's Day 2024


Valentine's Day and Ash Wedesday will only happen

 on the same day three times this century.

2018, 2014, and 2029.

I missed the 3 times last century-

1923, 1934 and 1945.

Before my time.

So on this very special day we come 
with a heart of repentance, 
hearts to rend, and seeking the ways to
make a Lenten walk more attentive 
to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
What could the Lord be calling us to "fast" from?
TV, our phones, shopping,
and a plethora of food choices.
It is not only about what we give up,
but how we use this "giving up" as time to 
center a spiritual connection.
Or perhaps it is about how to "add in something"
 lacking in our prayer life, devotional life, or worship life.
Maybe this Lent season think about a 
prayer calendar for recording devotional take-aways,
sending a prayer card to one person each week of Lent,
or maybe taking your personal Bible to worship.
All great places to start.
You can come up with all sorts of things
 to add in to your walk.
What is missing from your spiritual journey
 that you need to pay attention to?
Pray about "adding" that in this year.

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