
Thursday, February 22, 2024

When the Story Blesses the Kingdom Number 9 #becauseofconcordia


A spotlight has been shown on both the community of Concordia Ann Arbor and on the student leaders who have stepped forward in this time of distress. After watching the CUAA Student forum everyone is asking- "Who was that poised and eloquent young man leading the questions?" 

Here is a bit of the story.

When the Story Blesses the Kingdom

David Smalls

Concordia is more than an institution of higher education. It is a place where people from every

walk of life come to truly develop in mind, body, and spirit. I am from the Bronx, New York and

came to CUAA on a bowling scholarship. In my senior year of high school, when deciding

which college to attend, I had no intentions of going to a small university, leaving out of state, or

even studying Justice and Public Policy. However, the moment I stepped on campus that all

changed. I knew CUAA would be my home away from home, not only for the next 4 years, but

for the rest of my life. The students, faculty, and staff were so welcoming, administrators knew

students by their name, the atmosphere was family-oriented, and the presence of God was clearly

on this campus.

Since starting at CUAA, I have built relationships with my peers that will last a lifetime. I’ve

made deep connections with Professors who continuously support me in my legal career path and

have even helped me acquire internships.  Most importantly, I have strengthened my

relationship with God in ways I never imagined. As CUAA’s Student Government Association

(SGA) President, God has been using me through this leadership to be the voice of the student body.

In these current times of uncertainty, there is a desperate cause that needs a calm voice. 

Many may know me from taking the lead at the student town hall, questioning President Ankerberg  

and accompanying administrative members. The students want answers, we deserve answers and

our lives depend on it. CUAA depends on it. It is my hope that I can continue to represent the

student body to the best of my ability. I pledge to push the administration to be fully honest and

transparent with the CUAA student body and faculty going forward. I also pray that Christ remains 

at the center of their hearts and minds and may God grant the CUAA community continued                  

 hope and peace!

I also want to remind you of the verse speaking to my heart right now: 

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

A personal note shared here about David:

For the past two years he has had physical health challenges. A torn meniscus in both knees led to 2 knee surgeries. Suddenly, one day he couldn't feel his legs, went to the ER and found he had a benign tumor pressing again his spinal cord. Surgery removed the tumor and he went through 3 months of physical rehab to learn to walk again. CUAA was a huge support system during David's health journey, especially because the difficulties began when he was on campus. These people are part of his support system. The friends, bowling team, Residence Life department and professors gave him courage and hope. This is his first semester back as a student on campus. Time for a shout out for this young man.

David Smalls  

Junior at Concordia Ann Arbor

Student Government Association  (SGA) President

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