
Saturday, March 9, 2024

Worship into the Week- The Authority of Jesus


Worship into the Week-
John 2: 13-25
Jesus Cleanses the Temple

The solemnity of the festivals and sacrifices 
at the Temple had been hijacked by the sale of animals
 and the money changers.
In this section of the story in the Gospel of John,
 there is the clear pointing to the authority of Jesus.
Jesus went up to Jerusalem like many 
of the faithful Jewish for the Passover.
His action to overturn the tables and disrupt the selling
set out his authority to dictate temple practice.

A piece to help us understand this clear announcement
 of his authority is identifying 
the temple as "my Father's house."
His disruption of the economic practices of the temple 
was a public display that he was not just an average pilgrim
 in town for the Passover.
He is the Son of God.
His zeal for God's future plan of salvation 
gives us a hint that he is willing to endure any suffering
 for this plan of His Father.
This raised questions by the religious leaders 
as they wondered how he could give these announcements.
Maybe a "sign or wonder" would be proof. 
Then, there is the misunderstanding
 about "raising the temple." The leaders think about 
how long it took to build the Temple 
and Jesus is talking about being raised from the dead.
Jesus is using Resurrection terms that wouldn't be clear
 until the 3 days after his death.
Jesus is using this teaching here to point the people
 to himself as the new temple.
Take aways might be:
Does my heart need "cleansing" to keep the focus
 on the important things?
How can a church best use their economic resources
 to point others to Jesus?

Visual Faith Printable
Worship into the Week Printable
Magazine cutouts
Distress ink
Colored pencils

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